Copyright and Usage of this version

1.Copyright holders(著作権者)

(1)Department of Defence(hereafter DoD) or IETF(Internet Engineering task Force) has original copyright for all technical contents of the document type definition(DTD) written in English.

米国国防総省(DoD)又はIETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)が, この文書型定義:1995の一次著作権を有する。

(2)Nippon CALS Research Partnership(NCALS) has all
rights reserved on Japanese handling and ISO 9000 series
notation of the DTD-1995.

日本語処理(及びISO 9000)の記述の部分の著作権を有する。

2.Restriction of the HTML version (HTML版文面の利用上の注意事項)

2.1 No warranty(無保証)

The HTML version of the DTD may have some errors
inside and the translator has no responsible for any
physical damages and/or economical dameges of the users.
The original DTD-1995 shall be refered by the users
in prior to all professional usages.
