D-STAR Activities by RLL
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Rick Logical Lab. Inc. All rights

- Study on D-STAR' Hot-Spot with openSPOT and ID-31 D-STAR Tranceiver
[openSPOTとID-31無線機とによるD-STARホットスポットの実験,XML file] Revised 13 October 2017
- Tablet PC for Amateur Radio
[アマチュア無線へのタブレットPCの応用例,XML file] Revised 08 December 2016
- Japan
D-STAR Group(日本D-STAR愛好会,XMLfile)Revised 11
February 2013
Node Adapter for D-STAR/DV with Windows 7-64 and FT-897D
(Windows7(64)とFT-897DとによるD-STARノードアダプター構築,XMLfile)Revised 12 Feburuary 2014
Web Server for D-STAR/DD with Windows8.1 and Apache(Windows8.1とApacheとによる
D-STAR網Webサーバ構築,XMLfile)Revised 22 March 2015
- GPS Adapter using GMS6-CR6
18 November 2016
- D-STAR_Homebew_GPS_Using_GT-720F/GT-723F
(D-STAR GPSアダプタの製作,XMLfile)Revised
16 November 2016
(D-STAR チャット実験,XMLfile)Revised
25 August 2011
I-gate Experiments(D-STAR D-PRS I-gate実験,XMLfile)Revised
23 June 2017
(DPRS) Experiments(D-STAR APRS実験への参加,XMLfile)Revised 21 April 2009
- Worldwide
D-STAR Repeaters List for
19 October 2008
- Homebrew a
Power Supply for ICOM ID-91
Transverter(ID-91トランスバータ用電源装置の製作,XMLfile)Revised 16 May 2007
- Installation of
routers for D-STAR(D-STAR機への経路器の設営,XMLfile)Revised 12 Sep. 2013
- Software
D-Star Radio using DV-Dongle(Dongle利用D-STARソフトウェアラジオ,XMLfile)Revised 5 July 2018
- Control
Program for D-Star DV adapter(D-STAR DV附属装置の制御プログラム,XMLfile)Revised 16 Jun. 2008
- D-Star using
FT817, FT897 or FT100(Yaesu
4 Jan. 2008
- Experiments of
D-STAR(D-STAR実験への参加,XMLfile)Revised 20 Aug.
- Back to Amateur Radio Activities by RLL(RLLのアマチュア無線活動に戻る)
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