Amateur Radio Activities by RLL
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Rick Logical Lab. Inc. All rights

- Very Long Wave Length,Long Wave Length or Medium Wave Length(30kHzより低い超長波,135kHz長波帯又は472kHz中波帯)
- WSPR,WSJT(微弱信号通信)
- D-STAR(発声:ディースター)
- Microwave(マイクロウエーブ)
- Common on all bands(LF,MF,HF,VHF,UHF,EHF共通)
- The other electronics hobby(その他の電子ホビー)
- Amateur Station by RLL(RLLのアマチュア無線局)
Please select one of the
ご注意:WEB閲覧系のMicrosoft Edgeは状況によって,再読込みボタン又はF5キーを押してもデータ更新しないことがあります。
一方,Internet Explorer 11は,再読み込みボタンをワンクリックだけで再読込みとXML割付け処理とが正常に行います。
NOTE :1.Microsoft Internet Explorer
6.0(or upper),NetScape 6(or upper), Mozilla 1.4 or Firebird is recommended to
represent the XML files.
But Mozilla Firefox under ubuntu 7.10 can not
represent these XML files with error.(as of 2009-2-14)
The above problem on
Firefox was resolved by ISP to improve the data type for XML files as
"application/xml".(as of 2009-2-17)
NOTE 2.If you need the additional XML
Data Type Definition file and Stylesheet file, please load the
DTD file then rename to "minutes-dtd.dtd", and load the
Stylesheet file then rename to "minutes-xslt.xslt " under the same
directory with one of the above XML files.
NOTE 3.Two character encoding methods for Japanese character have been used such historical Shift-JIS (2 byte/character) in early Japanese text
and UTF-8 (3 byte/character) in newly edited text in this Web site.
Internet Explorer 9 or equivarent version is recommended to represent Japanese text.