King Frederik II's letter to make an arrangement with Inguord Glad to perform herald's duty during the transfer of "Leen" in Odense (1580). (In Danish).
About the text
The following is taken from Nye danske magazin, 1. Bind, 1794,
pp.51-2 (Google Books).
I corrected typographical errors due to the OCR system misrecognition, but there may still exist such errors. Please consult printed version for academic purpose.
"Leen" should be "Len" in modern orthography. Not certain, however. S. U.
The text
43.) Om enn Heroldt att bestille 1580.
Frederich &c.
Wor synderlig gunst tillfornn. Wiider epther att endnu ingen Herold er egen
tillskickit epther Johan Baptistis Affgang, och thett will were fornøden till
thend Handell och Leens Enttfangelße vdi Ottenssze schee schall en Herold att forordnis;
Tha bede wj ether och begere attj handler mett Oß elskelige Inguord
Glad, som war Stoßfougit paa wordt flott Kiøbnehaffn, att hand sig samme
Heroldzbestilling offuerthager. Ther met scheer Offz synderligen till wilge Befallendis
Ether Gud. Schreffuit paa wort slott Koldinghus thend xxj dag Martij Mar 24.
Aar &c. Mdlxxx. Vnder wortt Signet.