Joseph Stacey's account for Colonel James Montgomerie's funeral, 1674.

About the text

The following text is taken from Fraser, William, Sir, Memorials of the Montgomeries, Earls of Eglinton, Edinburgh: [publisher not given], 1859, pp.142-143. (Internet Archive.) I corrected typographical errors due to the OCR system misrecognition, but there may still exist such errors. Please consult printed version for academic purpose.
Joseph Stacey was Ross herald, 30 Sept. 1663-1687, also Herald Painter 1663-1674. B. Nottinghamshire Mar. 1625. D. c. 10 Aug. 1686, according to Grant 1945, p.4, p.9, p.29.
In my understanding the account was bill and receipt. Then how much was the cost and how much went to his pocket...?

The text

THE first of this branch was Colonel James Montgomerie, fourth son of Alexander, sixth Earl of Eglingtoun. ... The Colonel was educated at the University of Glasgow, at which he was enrolled in the fourth class on 1st March 1637 [In Scotland, unlike England the calendar had been changed to new style on 1600: Change in Calendar - Dates in the Old Parish Registers | National Records of Scotland. S. U.].1 ...

1. Munimenta Universitatis Glasguensis, vol. iii. p. 90. [Internet Archive.]

  Colonel James died in March 1674, and was interred in the New Kirk of Edinburgh on the 18th of that month. The following account of Joseph Stacey, herald, for painting the funeral escutcheon of Colonel James Montgomerie, is still preserved, and is perhaps the only evidence existing of the last resting-place of the gallant Colonel —

 Account for painting Collonel James Montgomery his funeralls, interd in the New Kirk of Edinburgh, March 18, 1674.
 Item for painting and guilding of two Great Lozen armes, with Helmet, Mantling, and Crest foure feet square —
both is 26. 08. 00.
  More for painting upon Buckrum, two Mortt heads, at 20s. a peece, both comes to 02. 00. 00.
  More for furnishing from the Merchant chope five ellnes of black bais to sue about the two lozen
armes, at 24s. ilk ellne — five ellne comes to
06. 00. 00.
  More for two elne of blak buckrum to paint the two lozen armes vpon, at 16s. the elne, comes to 01. 12. 00.
  More I furnished two large frames to stent the two lozen armes upon at 26s. a piece, is 02. 12. 00.
  Soma of all is Theirtty aught pounds twelve shillings [i.e., 38. 12. 00. S. U.] Scotts mony.
  Twenty day of March 1674. Reseaved compleat payment of this written accompt from the Lady Coalsfeeld for
panting worke and other furnishing by me for Collonell James Montgomery his funeral                 JOSEPH STACEY.
