Edmund de Mortimer, Earl of March and Ulster allows an annual pension to his March Herald for life (1425).

About the text

The following text is taken from the text version of Gilbert, Sir John Thomas, History of the Viceroys of Ireland: With Notices of the Castle of Dublin and Its Chief Occupants in Former Times, Dublin and London: James Duffy, 1865, pp.549-50. (Google Books.) I corrected typographical errors due to the OCR system misrecognition, but there may still exist such errors. Please consult printed version for academic purpose.
Same letters patent is mentioned in Butler, T. Blake, "The Officers of Arms of Ireland", in The Irish Genealogist, vol. 2, pp.2-12, pp.40-47. which the latter is mentioned by H. S. London in the entry of March King of Arms in his list of all officers of arms. (Internet Archive.) I am not sure Butler was aware of Gilbert's work. Anstis mentions John Othelake as the first Marche (sic) Herald in his The Register of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, vol. 2, London: John Barber, 1724, p.432 note x. Here is vol. 1. (Both Google Books.)

The text

March herald established by Edmund de Mortimer, third Earl of March and Ulster, page 245.
     Sir William Dugdale,1 tells us that this Earl constituted “his servant,” John Othelake, “his herald at arms by the name of March.” Froissart refers to him as “le roi, Marke [Marche] heraut.” 2 Edmund, the last De Mortimer Earl of March and Ulster, during his Viceroyalty in 1425, noticed at page 320, assigned an annual pension of sixty shillings and eightpence, from the profits of his mills in Callan, County Kilkenny, to his herald,

1 Baronage of England, 1675, i. 149, left col. For the Letters Patent mentioned there, see: [1382] Aug. 7. Woodstock. ... Order to pay to John Othelake the earl's [Edmund de Mortimer earl of March and Ulster] servant, whom for good service the earl by letters indented, confirmed by the king, appointed herald at arms, naming him Marche, a rent of 6l. 13s. 4d. a year for life, according to the earl's grant and the king's confirmation. [Calendar of the close rolls preserved in the Public Record Office: Richard II, Vol. 2., A.D. 1381-1385, London: HSMO, 1920, p.156. (Internet Archive.)]
2 Chroniques ed. Buchon, 1840, iii. 213 [left col.]. (gallica.)

“March.” This grant, made by De Mortimer at his Castle of Trim, and confirmed by Henry VI., was as follows :—

“Pro confirmando pensionem Marche Heraldo, concessam per Edmundum, Comitem Marchiæ, etc.
     “Rex omnibus ad quos, etc., salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes, quas Edmundus, Comes Marchie et Ultonie, Dominus de Wyggemore, Clare, Trym, et Conacie, fieri fecit in hæc verba : Edmundus, Comes Marchie et Ultonie, Dominus de Wyggemore, Clare, Trym, et Conacie, omnibus ad quos presentes literæ pervenerint, Salutem : Sciatis, quod nos, considerantes grata et laudabilia obsequia, que dilectus nobis Marche, Heraldus noster, nobis impendit et impendet in futurum, dedimus eidem Heraldo nostro sexaginta sex solidos et octo denarios, percipiendo singulis annis, ad terminum vite sue, de exitibus et proficuis molendinorum nostrorum aquaticorum de Callan, in Comitatu Kilkennie, per manus receptoris ibidem, pro tempore existentis, ad terminos Pasche et Sancti Michaelis, per equales porciones. In cujus, etc.
     “Datum sub sigillo nostro in Castro nostro de Trym, secundo die Januarii, anno regni Regis Henrici sexti, post conquestium tertio.
     “Nos autem donationem predictam pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quantum in nobis est, de avisamento dilecti et fidelis nostri Johannis, Domini de Talbot, militis, Justiciarii nostri, terre nostre Hibernie, et Consilii nostri in eadem, acceptamus, approbamus, ratificamus, et corfirmamus [cor-: sic], prout litere prædicte rationabiliter testantur.
     “Teste præfato Justiciario nostro, apud Trym, XXVo die Januarii.”
