Stodart, Robert Riddle, Scottish Arms, Being a Collection of Armorial Bearings A. D. 1370-1678, vol.1, vol.2, Edinburgh: William Paterson, 1881. (Internet Archive.) See V. Additions to the Booke and Register of Armes, complied by Sir David Lindsay, Lyon King of Arms, pp.87ff., p.90, there are entries of Lyon King of Arms.
Anno MCCCLXXV. Ludovicus XI. Rex Francorum Ferdinando Siciliæ Regi. SErenissimo potentissimoque Principi, carissimo ac dilectissimo consanguineo nostro Ferdinando, Dei gratia Siciliæ Regi, Ludovicus eadem gratia Francorum Rex, Salutem. Litteras vestræ Serenitatis per Arminium vestrum armorum Regem accepimus, ... [De la Barre, Louis-François-Joseph, Spicilegium sive collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Galliæ bibliothecis delituerant: ..., t.3, new ed., Paris: Apud Montalant, 1723, p.845 right col. (Google Books.)]
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Item diesen somer war ein schon krauel ausz schotlandt mit sendtbotten in dem sundt beym konig hans. Von diesen schotten war ein auflof zu helschenor mit den burgern, so das der schotten 5 todt blieben vnd des konigs heroldt aus schotland auch tod bleib.
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His youngest son, Richard, of Nuneaton, county Warwick, married Mary, only sister of Sir William Dugdale, Garter King of Arms. COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. VOL. V. -- FIFTH SERIES. 1878
OBSERVATIONS. (Hansard, 8 June 1866)
LYON KING OF ARMS (SCOTLAND) BILL. (Hansard, 21 February 1867)
Garter King of Arms receives a gross honorarium from the Treasury which your Lordships can find under sub-head E.3 of Miscellaneous Expenses Vote, Class 11, and that is a fee of £3,000 per annum for work done for the Government in the same way as other professional men receive fees for work done for Her Majesty's Government. COLLEGE OF ARMS BILL [H.L.] (Hansard, 10 May 1973)
COLLEGE OF ARMS BILL [H.L.] (Hansard, 2 May 1973)
RETURNS MOVED FOR. (Hansard, 17 March 1863)
Lords, Garter King of Arms receives a personal honorarium of pound 3,000 a year GARTER KING OF ARMS (Hansard, 4 July 1973)
The London Gazette. Friday, 6th April 1973
John Souch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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We do not to-day perhaps quite realise what the term ' herald painter ' meant in John Martin's boyhood, when coaching was the great pastime of men of fashion Mary L. Pendered, John Martin, Painter: His Life And Times, Kessinger Publishing, 2005. (Google Books)
Out of the Jungle: Great Britain's Supreme Court
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Obituary: The Dowager Lady Hesketh | News | The Guardian
The Chief Herald was then commanded to read the Proclamation. Frederick Sleigh Roberts, Forty-one years in India From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief, 1897. (Project Gutenberg)
Gerard Slevin, who had been from 1944 de facto deputy to Chief Herald APGI News
Estienne Vallet, roy d'armes au titre de Guienne... Christelle Cazaux, La musique à la cour de François Ier, Librairie Droz, 2002. (Google Books)
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Les armoiries de la ville d'Oran
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第12回研究会報告要旨(中堀博司):日本ハンザ史研究会 中堀博司「ヴァロワ・ブルゴーニュ家(1384-1477年)と北方海域―ブルゴーニュ公の宮廷外交に関する予備的考察―」
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ブルゴーニュ公の家令フィリップ・ポー(1428-1493年)の墓 - ブルゴーニュ-15世紀第4四半期 - 彫刻 | ルーヴル美術館
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Real Academia de la Historia » La Academia » Organización Comisión de Heráldica
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RIAG»Archivo del blog » Validez de las Certificaciones de los Cronistas de Armas
...after consultation with the Philippine Heraldry Commission, for insignia of ranks, awards, and medals of honor. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8551 [Philippine] (pdf)
Wappenkommission der Zünfte Zürichs
This kind of helmet is going to be assumed more and more widely, and gained official recognition. There is currently no federal registration of personal arms in Russia but in several provinces (of Tatarstan, of Sverdlovsk, of Mari El, etc) the local State-established heraldic commissions are doing this job. The International Association of Amateur Heralds - Forum
Heraldic Commission of the Minsk Gubernya Rymaszewski families world-wide found on the Internet
Council on Heraldry at Governor of Yaroslavl Region Law of the flag and coat-of-arms of Yaroslavl Region (Russia)
Ryazan Regional Heraldic Commission Heraldic Council|Геральдика|Конституция
Several of the Russian Federation's provinces and republics have heraldic commissions which will register personal arms under certain conditions. These include Sverdlovsk Oblast [Province] and the republics of Mari El, Tatarstan, and Sakha (Yakutia). American Heraldry Society | Registration / Foreign Armorial Grants and Registrations for Americans
Marshall, George William, The visitations of the county of Nottingham in the years 1569 and 1614 : with many other descents of the same county, 1871. (Internet Archive)
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Pompe Funèbre de Claude de Lorraine
Emond du Boullay
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Les armoiries de Rambervillers
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Le Théâtre de la Noblesse du Brabant
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Mary Pollard, Dublin's trade in books, 1550-1800, Oxford University Press, 1989. Sir Richard Carney. (Google Books)
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2.1.2. Das Heroldsamt in der Neuzeit. Bernd Klesmann, Bellum Solemne Formen und Funktionen Europäischer Kriegserklarungen des 17. Jahrhunderts, Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2007. (pdf)
Bernd Klesmann, Bellum Solemne Formen und Funktionen Europäischer Kriegserklarungen des 17. Jahrhunderts, Mainz: Philipp von Zabern, 2007. Compte rendu par René Pillorget, Paris. (pdf)
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Raymond Buckland, Scottish witchcraft: the history & magick of the Picts, Llewellyn Worldwide, 1991. (Google Books)
Wappen im Rheinisch-Bergischen Kreis (pdf)
Josef Matzerath, Adelsprobe an der Moderne: sächsischer Adel 1763 bis 1866 ; Entkonkretisierung einer traditionalen Sozialformation, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006. (Google Books)
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Stadt Neustrelitz - Herzlich Willkommen Zwischen Heroldsamt und Kunstgewerbe - Wappen in Mecklenburg-Strelitz - Carl Teske zum 150. Geburtstag
Chapter Three, "Genealogical Sources," of W.odzimierz Dworzaczek's Genealogia. Translated by William F. Hoffman. (pdf)
My translation of this chapter was originally published in the following issues of
Seite 6 Geschichte der Wappenrollen etc.
Die heraldische Stiftung eines neuen Wappens: Uralte Traditionen auch heute noch wertvoll und lebendig halten
Hic jacet Paganus Roet miles Guinne Rex Armorum... Payne Fisher, The tombes, monuments, and sepulchral inscriptions, lately visible in St. Pauls cathedral..., 1684. (Google Books)
Mäster (= magister) David kallas eljest "Danmark" och äfven "uvon Koran". ... Underskriften är: "Danmark Rex Armorum Alls (= alias, eljest) Mysyr (monsieur) David von Koran"... 222 (Gotlands land och folk)
Vers une prosopographie des hérauts bretons médiévaux : une enquête à poursuivre
Communicaciones al XV Congreso internacional de las ciencias genealogíca y heráldica, Ediciones Hidalguia, 1983. (Google Books)
XV Congreso Internacional de las Ciencias Genealogíca y Heráldica, volumen oficial: Madrid, 19-25 septiembre 1982, Ediciones Hidalguia, 1983. (Google Books)
Ce mandement fut porte en Saxe par le heraut imperial Jean Michel Cornachini... Jacques V. Pollet, Julius Pflug (1499-1564) et la crise religieuse dans l'Allemagne du XVIe siècle, BRILL, 1990. (Google Books)
Mark Charles Fissel, English warfare, 1511-1642, Routledge, 2001. (Google Books)
Paul E. J. Hammer, Elizabeth's wars: war, government, and society in Tudor England, 1544-1604, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. (Google Books)
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Fox praised Montjoie Roi d'Arms, Charles VIII's principal herald, who had been sent to escort the ambassadors. Morvillier did the same with Garter King of Arms, Henry VII's principal herald... John M. Currin, "To Play at Peace: Henry VII, War against France, and the Chieregato-Flores Mediation of 1490", in: Albion, 14, 2002.
Confirmation of Arms to Richard Day, M.D., Robert Day, and Rev. William Tottenham Day, M.A. 1875
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Government of all the talents has to wait ? for Garter King's holiday - Times Online
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Bolton Castle, North Yorkshire, England
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Visita alla Prefettura della Casa Pontificia, 2 gennaio 1989
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