Last will of Thomas Drysdale, Islay Herald, 16 Oct. 1635
About the text
The following text is taken from
The Genealogist, vol.4, 1880,
pp.154-6. (Internet Archive.)
I corrected typographical errors due to the OCR system misrecognition, but there may still exist such errors. Please consult printed version for academic purpose.
The will here printed, shows the amount of furniture owned
by, and style of living at the period of an officer of the Royal
The debt by the Earl of Traquair, then Lord High Treasurer,
is for official salary as Herald.
The records of heralds' commissions is incomplete at the date
of Drysdale's appointment, which took place in or before 1614;
his predecessor, John Blindsell, Islay Herald, was alive in 1610.
Drysdale also held the office of Keeper of the Records of the
Lyon Court.
The surname is not one either common or distinguished. Arms
given in Pont's MS.—Argent, a saltire Azure between four
crosses moline Gules, a chief of the second. Motto, Constancy
with discretion. These bearings are evidently founded on those
of “Lord Boyis of Dryvisdaill of auld,” given by Sir David
Drysdale's widow died in May, 1643; by her will dated
18 April, she leaves all her property, £2,138, to her aunt Janet,
daughter of the late Eleazar Makiesonne, Bute pursuivant,
residing in Edinburgh, whom she nominates sole executrix.
S * * *
Commisariot of Edinburgh Testaments, vol. lvii, 9th March 1636.
The Testament testamentar and Inventar of the guidis geir
sowmes of money and debtis perteaning to vmquhile
Thomas Drysdaill Ilay Herauld Indweller in Leith, the
tyme of his deceas quha deceist in the moneth of etc.
the yeir of God Im vjc threttie......zeiris ffaithfullie maid
and gevin vp be Bessie Huntar his relict spous quhome
in his lattre will underwritten he nominates his onlie
executrix as the samin of the dait the sextene day of
October the yeir of God 1635 zeiris. subscriuit with his
awin hand in presens of the Witnesses vnderwrittin
mair at lenth beiris etc.
In the first the said vmquhile Thomas Drysdaill had the
guidis geir sowmes of money and debtis of the availe and pryeis
eften following pertaining to him the tyme of his deceis forsaid,
viz: Item ane wanscott buird, ane alemrie, ane closs bed, twa
oppin beds, ane dresser estimat all to jc lib. Item ane canebie
bed ane chalcain table estimat all to sexj lib. Item ane cupbuird
aucht chyris sex lyttill stuillis ane littell cupbuird estimat all to
xxij lib. Item ane chymnay ane littell braice for ane chalmer
estimat all to xi lib. Item four speittis ane brander ane pair of
dayngis ane porring Trone estimat all to sex lib. Item twa pair
raxes ane skummer ane flesh cruik estimat all to thrie lib. Item
thrie hinging chandleris aucht standing chandleris estimat all to
xij lib. Item thrie grit pottis twa small pottis thrie panis
estimat all to xij lib. Item ane quart ane pynt ane chopine ane
mutchkine all of tyn and thrie Inglish stoupes estimat all to sex
lib. Item vpone the dresser-heid thrie stane basingis with sex
stane plaitis estimat all to thrie lib. xiij s. iiij d. Item twa
littell english stoupes two saltfattis and ane mustard stoup
estimat all to xl s. Item ane saltfatt of ilk unce price vj s.
viij d. Item sex silver spounes estimat all to xx lib. Item ane
silver tass price xij lib. Item twa dissone pewter plaittis, twa
dissone of tryncheris estimat all to xx lib. Item twa pewther
flaikettis price of baith xl s. Item four littell glass globis price
of all thrie pundis. Item one dosone of brods with pictouris
drawine on thamie estimat all to xij lib. Item ane keiking
glass price xl s. Item sextene lettell painted disehes price of all
xxx s. Item ane towell pyn ane dossone of brass naillis price of
all xiij s. iiij d. Item ane pestell and ane morter price of baith
xxx s. Item four kistis and four cofferis estimat all to xij lib.
Item aucht stoolies and fyve tyn chandleris estimat all to fyve
lib. Item ane warming bed pan and four chamme pottis estimat
all to thrie pundis. Item aucht cuschwines estimat all to fyve
pundis. Item ane vovin buird claith price thrie lib. Item ane
auld grene tossell buird claith price xl s. Item ane guiss pan
with ane (sic) estimate [-ate: sic] baith to xl s. Item fyve fether beddis
with twa auld bedis estimat all to lx lib. Item sex bowsteris
price of all xij lib. Item twa dossone of codis estimat all to
xv lib. Item twelff pair of blankettis price of all xvj lib. Item
twentie pair of schettes estimat all overheid to xxx lib. Item
sextene codwairis price of all xij. Item sevin coveringis price
of all xx lib. Item thrie stand of courtengis price of all xx lib
x s. Item sextene burdclaithes and sex dossone serviettis price
of all xxx lib. Item ane dossone of water claithes estimat all to
ix lib viij s. Item ane fatgang price xx s. Item ane auld
lantrone price thairof xx s.
Summa of the Inventar—vcxxxvij lib. xj s. iiij d.
ffollowis the debtis awin to the deid.
Item thair was awin to the said vmquhile Thomas Drysdaill
be the Erle of Traquair for thrie yeiris fie jc xx lib.
Summa of the debtis awin to the deid jcxx lib.
Summa of the Inventar with the debtis vjclvij lib xj s[.] iiij d.
followis [single f: sic] the debtis awin be the deid.
Item thair was awin be the said vmquhile Thomas Drysdaill
to Andro Ainsley Merchand burges of Edinburgh for ane yeiris
maill of his dwelling houss in Leith, occupeit be the defunct
lxxxx lib, to Margaret Jak servand for her yeiris fie ten lib.
Summa of the debtis awin be the deid jc lib;
Restis of frie geir with the debtis deducet—vclvij lib xj s. iiij d.
to be devydit in twa pairtis, deidis pairt in ijclxxvijj [-jj: sic] lib xv s. 8 d.
quota x lib.
ffollowis the deidis legacie and lattre will.
Be it kend till all men be thir present lettres me Thomas
Drysdaill Ilay Herauld in Leith fforsameikle as I am god
willing presentlie boun furth of this Realme towards Londone
for doeing of my necessary affairis and bussines thair attending
his Majesties at Court and being for the presente haill in bodie
and spirit prasit be God and that knowand nathing mair
certane than death, and nathing mair Incertane then the houre
tyme and plaice thairof I now mak my testament legacie and
lattre will as efter followis. In the first I recommend my saull
to the protectioun of the Almichtie God my creatour and hoipes
to be saweid throw the meritis of Jesus Chryst my blessed
Saviour and Redemer, and as for my wordlie effaires I declair
heirby that I nominate and ordane Bessie Huntar my lawfull
and loving spous my onlie executrix Legatrix and vniversall
Intromitrix with my haill guidis, gear, debtis sommes of money
Insicht pleinishing gold silver cunzeit and vncunzeit jewellis
and vtheris quhatsumever perteaning to me, and leawis and
dispoinis my pairt of the haill frie geir to my said spous to be
Intromettit with be my said spous and vsit and disponit vpone
be hir at her pleasour in tyme cuming. Secluding hereby all
vtheris my kin and freindis thairfra or fra any benefit of
successioun thairto in tyme cuming and gif neid be is with
power to my said spous eftir my deceis to give Inventar
thairof for ordinar confirmation of the samen before the Commissaries
of Edinburgh and being confirmit to call follow and
perseu thairfoir be law And to recover decreitis ane or ma
thairvpone and caus be putt to dew executioun and to vse and
dispone thairwpone at hir awin pleisour. And this my testament
legacie and lattre will abowe written to all and sindrie whome it
affeiris I mak knowine be their presentis. In witness quhairof
written by James Mitchell notar publict I hawe subscriuit thir
presentis with my hand att Leith the sextene day of October the
yeir of God 1635 befoir thir witnesses William Sibbald pewtherer
in Leith the said James Mitchell writter heirof and Robert
Wischart Servitor to George Mungo Cowper in Leith. Sic
subscribitur Thomas Drysdaill William Sibbald Witness. Robert
Wischart Witnes [single s: sic]. James Mitchell witness. Sir Jerrome Lindsay [obviously the then Lyon]
&c Ratifies &c and gevis and committis the Intromissioune to
the said Executrix &c. Reseryand compt quhairwpone James
Steaoun Skipper in Leith became cawtioner as ane act beiris.