Mentions to heralds in the sources printed in Aarsberetninger fra det Kongelige geheimearchiv

Sources and references

Wegener, Capar Frederick, Aarsberetninger fra det Kongelige geheimearchiv, indeholdende bidrag til Dansk historie af utrykte kilder, vol.1, Kjöbenhavn: I comission hos C. A. Reitzels Bo og Arvinger, 1852-1855: Bildrag til Dansk Historie af utrykte Kilder vol.1, I. Kong Hans's Brevbog. Efter en Copiebog, skreven rimeligvils fur Störstedelen med hans Kantsler Over Bildes Haand, pp.1-50, vol.1, II. Bilag til Kong Hans's Brevbog, eller hofrandlinger mellen Kong Hans og fremm3ede Stater fra 1505 til 1513, pp.51-68; vol.3, Kjöbenhavn: I comission hos C. A. Reitzels, 1861-1865: Bildrag til Dansk Historie af utrykte Kilder II. Danmarks Forhandlinger med Frankrig, England og Skotland, i Frederik I's og Begyndelsen af Christian III's Regjerinstid, pp.105-268; vol.4, Kjöbenhavn: I comission hos C. A. Reitzels, 1866-1870: Bildrag til Dansk Historie af utrykte Kilder I. Danmarks Forhandlinger med Frankrig, England og Skotand, Andet Stykke i Frederik I's og Begyndelsen af Christian III's Regjerinstid, Anden Samling, pp.3-267; vol.6, Kjöbenhavn: I comission hos C. A. Reitzels, 1876-82: Tillæ. II. Smastykker, pp.9-45. No herald can be found in those volumes: vol.2, 1856-60, vol.5, 1871-5, vol.7, 1883. However first index in th vol.2 covers both vol.1 and 2. Hansen, C. Rise (ed.), Sources of the History of North Africa, Asia and Oceania in Denmark, München: K. G. Saur, 1980, p.48, Bibliography. gives the translation of the title: Annual Reports from the Old Royal Archives. (Google Books.)

The list


The structure of the serial number: vol-part no.-nationality-serial number.
Country character:
F = French; S = Scottish; D = Danish; N = Norwagian; G = German.
Small letter indicates he was not a herald however noteworthy.


Index, p.43 says there is a mention to Norge, Kong Hans's Herold, Vaabenkonge og Raad in p.55 where I could not find any direct mention. Seiland, Montjoye, Lyon are there.
serial no.personal namedatementionsourceremarks
11D01Thomas Seeland1506... dilectum thomam Seeland partisandum nostrum... vol.1, I. 3. Credencia ad regem francorum, p.4 See Anno mdsexto [I. 1. Ad cetum cardinalium, p.1] for the year. Not explicitly mentions him as a herald
11D02Master David1506... Magistrum dauid heraldum nostrum... vol.1, I. 4. Alias forma huiusmodi credencie, p.4.
11D03Thomas Selandh1506... per thomam seland partisandum suum ... vol.1, I. 5. Articuli regibus francorum et anglie vigore. credencie referendi per thomam Selandh, p.5.
11D04Thomas Seland1506... demanndat et committit thome Seland partisando suo infrascripta exellentissimo principi et domino, ... ... principis francorum Regis hunc armorum regem, ... memoratum tho. seland remittit vna cum prefato armorum rege... vol.1, I. 6. Ad regem scocie, pp.5-6, p.5. RDHD, 0201S11 says Aug. 1506. See also: n.d. To James IV. John's ambassador, Thomas Seland, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.53].
11F01King of Arms of King of FranceDoes not mention the title nor mention the personal name. Index, p.40 middle col. however says he was Montjoy.
11F02King of Arms of King of France1506 ... per manus regis armorum cristianissimi regis francorum tum eciam per thomam seland nostrum partisandum... vol.1, I. 7. Ad Regem scotorum, p.6. Does not mention the title nor mention the personal name. See also: je me suis enquis que peut aller faire Monjoye le herault vers le roy de Denemarque Le Glay 1845, t.1, XLII. J. de Courteville au roi de Castille, 5 Jul. [1506], pp.152-3, p.153.
11D05Thomas Seland See also: n.d. ... Thomas Seland carries back replies to the letters brought by him and by the French King-of-Arms [Montjoy]. [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.53].
11F03Montzaie 1506... montzaie celsitudinis vestre armorum rex... vol.1, I. 8. Ad Regem francorum, p.7. No title, no personal name.
11F04King of Arms of King of France1506... qualiter thomas Seeland penes se habet commissiones... vol.1, I. 9. Responsa pro armorum Rege Regis francorum, p.7. See heading of the letter: pro armorum Rege Regis francorum. Does not mention the title nor mention the personal name.
11D06Thomas Seeland
11D07Thomas Seeland1506... dilecto thome Seeland Partesando nostro plenam atque... vol.1, I. 10. Mandatum pro nauibus conducendis Regio nomine, pp.7-8, p.8;
11s01Robert Forman 20 Apr. 1507per manus nobilium ac eximiorum Roberti formañ, ecclesiarum metropolitane glasgoensis ac morauiensis decani et ancellarii, Necnon leonis armorum 2) Regis 3), vestrorum oratorum et consiliariorum, ... vicesima mensis aprilis anno domini Mdseptimo.

2) Nr. 13 addit: reique militaris.
3) Nr. 13 addit: equitisque aurati.

vol.1, I. 13. Ad Regem scotorum, pp.9-10, p.9. Robert Forman himself was not a herald. For him and Sir Robert Forman the herald, see Sir Robert Forman, Ross Herald and Lyon King of Arms by David John Forman. See also: 1507. 20 Apr. ... Rob. Forman, Dean of Glasgow, and Moray and Chancellor, and by Lyon King-of-Arms, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.54 which also cites Gairdner vol.2, p.243. For the latter see RDHD, 0201s02 and 0201S19].
11S01Lyon King of ArmsPersonal name unknown.
11F05Montzoie King of Arms20 Jul. 1507 ... comissi maiestatis vestre oratores vna cum Montzoie clarissimo crisianissimi francorum regis armorum rege... Robertum forman decanum, ... xx mensis Iulii Anno mdseptimo. vol.1, I. 15. Ad Regem scolorum, pp.10-2, p.10, p.11. Personal name unknown.
11s02Robert FormanSee also: 1507. 20 Jul. ... reporting the negotiation of a treaty, with Lubeck. Recommends Forman for promotion to the first good bishoprc... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.54].
11F06Montzoie Unknown... vt montzoie hunc vestrum, ... vol.1, I. 16. Ad regem francie, sub tenore superioris littere ad articulum, cesterum mutatis mutandis, cum clausula sequenti, p.12. Title only and not explicitly mentioned as an officer of arms.
11F07Montzoie King of ArmsUnknown... armorum Rex Montzoie singulari percia et probitate clarus legacionem suam... vol.1, I. 17. Ad Regem scotorum, p.12. Personal name unknown. See also: ... recommending Montjoy Herald, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.54].
11F08Montzoie Unknown... per Montzoie... francorum regis nostri consanguinsi et confederati armorum regem, qui certam legacionem nobis attulit, ... vol.1, I. 19. Ad Ducem Karulum burgundie . . . comitem de cl . . . etc., pp.13-14, p.13. Title only and not explicitly mentioned as an officer of arms.
11F09Montzoie King of Arms Unknown... vestre serenitatis armorum rex Montzoie de vestre preclarissime serenitatis amplectenda... vol.1, I. 21. Ad dominam Annam francie Reginam, p.14. Personal name unknown.
11s03Robert Forman 20 Jul. 1507 ... Reuerendissime pater, Robertus forman., nepos vester ob singularem probitatem suam nobis acceptissimus, ... martis vicesima mensis Julii Mdvijo. vol.1, I. 22. Ad dominum Robertum archipiscopum glasgorensem, p.14-15, p.14. See also: To Rob. Forman, archbishop of Glasgow (sic)... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.54].
11s04Andew Forman 18 Jul. 1507... Roberti forman., nobis dilectissimi... die solis decima octaua mensis Iulii Anno mdseptimo. vol.1, I. 23. Ad dominum andre . . . episcopum morauiensem, commendatorem . . . pelertweyen et collynghamden . . . anglia, pp.15-6, p.15.
11s05Robert Forman
11D08Thomas Seland18 Dec. 1506dilectum thomam Seland partisandum nostrum... xviij mensis decembris Anno mdvjo vol.1, I. 25. Ad francorum Regem, pp.16-7, p.16.
11F10 Montjoye King of Arms 1508... vestro armorum rege... vol.1, I. 29. Ad regem francie in facto magistri ty(chonis), p.19. Title is assumption. Personal name unknown.
11F11Montzo King of Arms 28 Jul. 1508... francorum regis oratorem Montzo nomine in sibi commissis... vicesima octaua Iulii Anno mdviijo. vol.1, I. 30. Ad Regem Scotorum super responsis a francorum Rege d(atis), pp.19-20, p.20. Personal name unknown. See also: Christensen 1912-4, 2. Bind, pp.239-40, No. 196. (pdf.)
11N01Norge King of Arms21 Dec. 1508... per dilectum nobis Norge armorum regem... die vicessima prima mensis decembris Anno octauo. vol.1, I. 33. Ad scotorum Regem pro auxilio prestando futura estate proxime ventura, pp.22-3, p.22. Personal name unknown. See also: 1508. 21 Dec. ... through Norge King-of-Arms, who he desires may be sent back... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.54].
11N02Norge King of Arms 23 Mar. 1509... aut per Norge nostrum armorum regem... xxiij mensis marcii Anno mdixo. vol.1, I. 34. Ad Regem scocie mutando in superioribus litteris petita, propter nouum recessum . . . etc., pp.23-4, p.24. Personal name unknown.
11N03Norge King of Arms4 Sept. 1510... posteaquam heraldus noster Norge vestris ex regnis... quatra septembris Anno xme. vol.1, I. 54. Ad Regem Scocie cum Roberto bartwn, p.39.Personal name unknown.
12S01Lyon King of arms 4 Apr. 1505... Ad hoc dilectum nostrum Leonem Armorum Regem et nostrum conciliarium... quatro Aprilis Anno salutis millesimo quingentesimo quinto. vol.1, II. 1., pp.51-2, p.51. Personal name unknown. See also: 1505. 4 Apr. ... sends Lyon... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.53]. See also: Christensen 1912-4, 2. Bind, pp.200-1, No. 163, p.201. (pdf.)
12D01Thomas Lummysden5 Apr. 1505 ... dilectus tibi heraldus Thomas lummysden, ... tibi dilectum nostrum Leonem Armorum Regem et consiliarium, ... quinto Aprilis Anno Salutis Quinto supra millesimum et quingentesimum vol.1, II. 2., p.52. See also: 1505. 5 Apr. ... from his herald Thomas Lummysden, ... by Lyon King-of-Arms; ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.52]. See also: Christensen 1912-4, 2. Bind, p.201, No. 164. (pdf.)
12S02Lyon King of Arms Personal name unknown.
12D02David —c. 17 Jul. 1506... Vestere maiestatis nuncius ystunia tali die N. ad nos vnacum dauid heraldo nostro applicuit atque venit nobis vestras litteras... vol.1, II. 5., p.54. See xvii Julii mdvi datas for the year. This letter has been partly cited elsewhere, see Letters between Vasili III of Russia and John of Denmark wherein Master David, herald to the King of Denmark is mentioned (1507). What is this one year difference? See also: Christensen 1912-4, 1. Bind, p.185, No. 260 and 2. Bind, pp.212-3, No. 175. (Both pdf.)
12D03Seilannd9 Mar. 1506 ... Seilannd, nuncium tuum ... ab armis francorum Rege MontJoye... legati nostri glasguensis decanus et Leo Armorum Rex ad te emissi ... ex tuo Seiland cognosces, ... huc tuum Seilannd... quod tuus Seilande fide et taciturnitate bonus, ... Predie nonas martij, Anno salutis Sexto supra millesimum et quingentesimum vol.1, II. 6., pp.54-5, p.55. Not explicitly mentioned as a herald. Personal name unknown. See also: Christensen 1912-4, 2. Bind, pp.217-9, No. 179. (pdf.)
12F01MontJoye King of Arms Personal name unknown.
12S03Lyon King of Arms Personal name unknown.
12s01Dean of Glasgow Supposedly Robert Forman.
12F02Montyoe King of Arms 10 May 1507... Vnde Rothissay heraldum nostrum... Montyoe ex suis armorum Regibus primum... Sexto Idus maij Anno humae Salutis septimo supra millesimum et Quingentesimum. vol.1, II. 7., pp.55-6, p.56. Personal name unknown. See also: 1507. 10 May. ... on negotiations between Denmark and Lubeck, for which purpose he sends Rothissay herald and the King of France sends Montyoe. [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.53]. See also Christensen 1912-4, 2. Bind, pp.219-20, No. 180. (pdf.)
12S04Rothesay Herald of Arms Personal name unknown.
12S04Montioy King of Arms 18 Sept. 1507... presertim decanus glasguensis, ... Montioy alteras dedit litteras... Et Montioy procuracionem... Reliquum decanus glasguensis vestre maiestatj... decimoctauo Septembris Annno Salutis septimo supra millesimum et quingentesimum. vol.1, II. 8., pp.56-7, p.56, p.57. Personal name unknown. See also: 1507. 18 Sept. ... letters delivered by the Deans of Glasgow and Copenhagen and by Montjoy, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.53]. See also: Christensen 1912-4, 2. Bind, pp.224-5, No. 184. (pdf.)
12s02Robert FormanSupposedly.
12N01noreweghen King of Arms23 Jun. 1508noreweghen vr liefden herolt coninck der wapeñ vnd Raid... vr herolt liefden... xxiijen dach van Junio anno xvCviij vol.1, II. 12., pp.59-60, p.59, p.60. Personal name unknown. See also: Christensen 1912-4, 2. Bind, p.246, No. 201. (pdf.)
12s03Robert Forman 25 Jun. 1508... ex glasguensi decano magistro Roberto forman familiari nobis in primis accepto, ... ex omnj familia Robertum forman ad vestram submisimus serenitatem, ... xxv die mensis Junij Anno salutis Octauo supra millesimum et Quingentesimum. vol.1, II. 13., pp.60-1, p.60, p.61. See also: 1508. 25 Jun. ... Rob. Forman, the Dean of Glasgow, complains that he has been falsely accused to King John of charging (after his return home) the ladies of Denmark with immodesty, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.53]. See further also ... In 1508 there is a vindication of a Scottish ambassador, the Dean of Glasgow, against a charge of slandering the Danish ladies... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.2].
12D04King of Arms (of John, King of Denmark) 11 Jul. 1510 ... Litteras vestras nobis gratissimas suus armorm Rex ad nos dedit, ... xjmo die mensis Julij Anno salutis decimo supra millesimum et Quingentesimum. vol.1, II. 16., pp.63-4, p.64. Does not mention his title nor personal name. See also: 1510. 11 July. Queen Margaret of Scotland to the same, acknowledging a letter received from his King-of-Arms. [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.53].
12S05Carrik 22 Apr. 1512 ... armorum nuncio Carrik... apud Edinburgum vigesimosecundo mensis Aprilis Anno duodecimo supra millesimum et quingentesimum. vol.1, II. 17., pp.64-5, p.64. Rank of office ambiguous. Personal name unknown. 1512. 22 Apr. Pursuivant-at-arms Carrik, sent to King John [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.55]. (Why he translated armorum nuncius into Pursuivant? Because of Carrick had been a pursuivant since from long back?) See also Let. and Pap. Hen. VIII, 1153. [3139.], 1155. [3138.] SCOTLAND and DENMARK.
12S06Carrik 28 May 1512... suo armorum nuncio Carrik apud Linlighqw vigesimooctauo mensis Maij 1) supra millesimum et quingentesimum, ...

1) Sic. Adde duodecimo (cfr. Epist. Reg. Scot. I. 148)

vol.1, II. 18., pp.65-6, p.65. Rank of office ambiguous. Personal name unknown. See also: 1512. ... 28 May Secret instructions to Carrik, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.55]. See also Let. and Pap. Hen. VIII, 1212. [3225.] SCOTLAND and DENMARK.


In the note to II. Doc. 12., p.129, there is a reference to die 21 Septembris scriptæ, regi armorum Danmark, perferendæ, ..., citing Kalkar 1845, Doc. XVI. pp.35-38, p.37. In the index, p.147, left col. to middle col., the herald's name David was given, how did the complier identified?
serial no.personal namedatementionsourceremarks
32S01John Dickson21 Mar. 15241524, 21 Martii (no further text to cite). vol.3, II. 9. Litteræ Johannis ducis Albaniæ, Joanni Dicson vel Ross heraldo ad Fredericum regem datæ, pp.115-6.
32S02John Dickson7 May 15241524, 7 Maii (no further text to cite). vol.3, II. 10 a. Alteræ litteræ Johannis ducis Albaniæ, cum Johanne Dicon vel Ross heraldo, aliquamdiu in Scotia demorati, ad Fredericum regem missæ, p.117.
32S03John Dickson7 May 1524Credita fidej ... et in ejus absencia par dñm Rossz. . . . Ita est Par signituram dñj gubernatoris subscriptam. I. D. Rossz herault. vol.3, II. 10 b., p.118. See previous item for the date. I. D. should stand for Iohannes Dickson.
32S04John Dickson7 May 1524Credita fidej Johannis Dicson alias Ros herault referenda... . . . Jta est par signituram dñj gubernatoris subscriptam. J. D. Rossz herault. vol.3, II. 10 c., p.119. See 10 a [= 32S02] for the date.
32D01John ElginTowards the end of 1525?Sub finem anni 1525? ... Ioannes Hylken heraldus a rege Friderico missus... est Ioannj Hylken heraldo regis Friderici. ... cum Ioannes Hylken heraldus rediret... vol.3, II. 14., p.131.
32D02Frederic Seland 14 Jan. 15281528, 14 Januarii ... Qui literas reddit, ex caduceatoribus nostris est Fredericus, Selandt cognomento, ... vol.3, II. 18. Litteræ creditiuæ Frederici I, Frederico Seland herald ad Franciscum I datæ, p.134.
32F01Guillaume Valoys19 Aug. 15281528, 19 Augusti ... hunc caduciatorem Valoys meum familiarem ... vol.3, II. 26. Johannis ducis Albaniæ litteræ ad Fredericum I de suo in res ipsius studio scriptæ, pp.141-2, p.142. What does this mean?: Apud Parisium decimo quarto calendarum Septembrium, p.142.
32D03Frederic Seland5 Sept. 15281528, 5 Septembris (no further text to cite). vol.3, II. 29. Litteræ Francisci I ad Fredericum I de suis contra Christierni II in Anglia et Scotia machinationes sedulis officiss scriptæ, cum Frederico Seland heraldo missæ, p.146.
32D04Frederic Seland18 Sept. 1528 1528, 18 Septembris ... a Frederico Seilando armorum rege magestatis vestre inuictissime accepimus litteras, ... a dicto armorum rege vestra... vol.3, II. 30 a. Litteræ Johannis ducis Albaniæ ad Fredericum I cum Frederico Seland heraldo missæ, pp.146-7, p.146, p.147.
32F02Seland King of Arms18 Sept. 15281528, 18 Septembris ... dat Seilando caduceatorj jnuictissimo Danorum, ... A suo quidem armorum rege sua plenius accepiet megestas, ... a prefato armorum rege... vol.3, II. 30 b. pp.147-9, p.147, p.148. Should be Frederic Seland.
32D05Fredric Seland18 Sept. 15281528, 18 Septembris (no further text to cite). vol.3, II. 31. Joannis Statilii, electi Transsyluanensis, oratoris Hungarici, litteræ ad Fredericum I cum Federico Seland heraldo missæ, pp.149-50, p.149.
32D06Frederic Seland10 Oct. 15281528 10 Octobris ... per vestre serenitatis nuncium et heraldum Federicum Zelandie, comite altero eius regis, a Valencia dicto, recepimus, ... Mentem nostram heraldus vester, et Cristianissimi, a Valencia nominatus, ... vol.3, II. 32. Litteræ Jacobi V ad Fredericum I scriptæ, se Christinerum II adiuuare nolle, pp.150-2, p.150, pp.151-2. See also: 1528 10 Oct. ... Frederick's Herald of Zeland, Valence Herald, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.58].
32D07Guillaume Valoys See Index, p.166, rightmost col. where the complier states the herald a Valencia is identical with Valoys.
32F03Guillaume Valoys11 Oct. 15281528, 11 October. ... yis present berare Guilliam de Valuausz, servand and herrald to ye maist Cristin king, ... to szr Johnñe Elgin zoure servaund and principale herrald, ... vol.3, II. 33. Enkedronning Margrethe of Skotland til Frederik I., pp.152-3, p.152. See also: 1528 11 Oct. ... Guilliam de Valuans, Herald to the King of France, ... by the said Guilliam and Sir John Elgin, Frederick's Herald, ... [Macray 1885-6, 2nd report, p.58].
32D08John Elgin
32D09Frederic Seland27 Jan. 1529(1529) 27 Januarii ... Frederico Zelandie heraldo suo datis, ... vol.3, II. 34 a. Litteræ Jacobi V Dongallo Campbell ad Fredericum I datæ, p.153.


serial no.personal namedatementionsourceremarks
41E01Gilbert Dethick13 Mar. 1538 1538, 13 Martii ... Quum itaque Dericum præsentium latorem et nostrum ad arma nuncium... vol.4, I. 114. Litteræ gratulatoriæ Henrici VIII ad Christianum III de eius in veram religionem propensione, pp.92-3, p.92. Index p. 55, mid. col. clearly states Derick, Gilbert, ad arma nuntius (hammes pursuivant), sendt til Danmark og Lybek 1538, s. 92. There is no doubt Gilbert Dethick was Hammes Pursuivant in 1538, however how the compiler connected this occurrence with the pursuivant?
41S01David Herald26 Apr. 1540... dat. 23 Marts 1540, ... og hans pas af 26 April s. A. for David Herald og Thomas Ramsay, ... vol.4, I. 143. Christian III oversendder Jakob V to Turneerhingets, pp.160-1, p.161 note. The text is complier's text only. Index p.55, mid. col. says, it's on p.160, however I could find in p.161 only. See also: RDHD, 0202S01.
41F01Guyenne Herald 4 Dec. 1541 1541, 4 December. ... der ved Midsommerstid rejste herfra til Danmark med Herolden Guyenne i sit Fölge; ... vol.4, I. 156. Brev fra Welsinger til Christian III, pp.178-80, pp.179-80. The text is complier's text only. He referred Statepapers of Henry VIII vol. VIII pagg. 637—638 [Statepapers: sic]: ... who departed hens about Midsomer toward Denmark, and in his company Guyenne the herald. ... [here p.638].
41E02William Harvy29 Aug. 15441544 29 Augusti ... ac fidelem familiarem nostrum Willielmum Haruy ad serenitatem vestram... vol.4, I. 189. Henrici VIII litteræ ad Christianum III datæ, quibus ratihabitionem tractatus Spiriensis, quantum ad Angliam attinet, transmittit, pp.266-7, p.266. Index p.59 mid. col. says Somerset herald. What is the justification here? (Should be then Bluemantle.)
41E03William Harvy 25 Sept. 15441544, 25 September (no further text to cite). vol.4, I. 190. Cristian III's Pas gjnnem Danmark for det Engleske Sendebud William Haruy paa dennes Rejse til Tydskland, p.167.


serial no.personal namedatementionsourceremarks
62D01Thomas Scotus29 Sept. 15281528, 29 Septembris ... hoc anno e viorum contubernio excesserunt... dominus Thomas Scotus armorum rex, ... vol.6, II. 3. Binæ litteræ Johannis Laurentii (archidiaconi Roskildensis?), ad magistrum Melchiorem de Germania scriptæ, a. pp.13-6, p.15.

Other sources

Christensen 1912-4.
Christensen, William Missiver fra Kongerne Christiern I.s og Hans's Tid, 1912-14. (Both pdf.) In vol. 2, No. 277, p.354 n.1, there is this mention also: ... og dels vilde det ligge nær at anse den franske og den skotske Herold, som blev sendte hjem på Skibet, ...
Le Glay 1845.
Le Glay, André Joseph Ghislain, Négociations diplomatiques entre la France et l'Autriche durant les trente premières années du XVIe siècle, t.1, t.2, Paris: Imprimerie royale, 1845. (Both Google Books.)
Macray 1885-6.
Macray, William Dunn, "Report on the Royal Archives of Denmark, and Further Report on Libraries in Sweden" in Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, vol.45, 1885, Appendix II., No. 1. pp.1ff., "Second Report on the Royal Archives of Denark, and Report on the Royal Library at Copenhagen", in Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, vol.46, London, 1886, Appendix II. No. 1, pp.1ff., "Third Report on the Royal Archives of Denmark, an Report on the Royal Library at Copenhagen", in Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records, vol.47, 1886, Appendix No.5, pp.9ff. (All Internet Archcive.) Apart from the referrences in the tables above, there are also these mentions to heralds: 1515 16 Jun. ... “ Norge ” Herald, ... [2nd report, p.56], 1515 7 Sept. ... “ Norvege ” Herald, ... [2nd report, p.56], [1522] 6 Apr. ... by his herald Thomas, ... [2nd report, p.57, 1523 7 May ... Fragments of the representation made “Frederico electo Dacorum Regi” by “Ross Herault”... [2nd report, p.57, 1529? ... 27 Jan. ... Zeland Herald, ... [2nd report, p.58]; 30 Sept. 1567 ... Sent by the herald [Sir Will. Stewart], ... [3rd report, p.16], 30 Dec. 1567 ... by the hands of the herald, ... [3rd report, p.17] both citing citing Affaires du comte de Boduel, pp.xlii-xliv [here the original word for herald seems to be feciales].

Related materials

Achen, Sven Tito, Rostock, Ole, Bibliografi over heraldisk litteratur i Danmark og om Danmark 1589-1969, Dansk Historisk Fællesforening, 1971. (pdf.)
Andersen, Carl, Shaw, Charles, (tr.), Rosenborg: Notes on the Chronological Collection of the Danish Kings, Copenhagen: Forlagsbureauet (O. H. Delbanco, G. E. C. Gad, F. Hegel, C. C. Lose), 1868. (Internet Archive.) Mention to Gilbert Dethick and Robert Glover who visited Denmark in 1582, in p.14 left col. The latter half of this copy is the original book: Andersen, Carl, Rosenborg. Mindblade fra de Danske Kongens kronologiske Samling, Copenhagen: Forlagsbureauet (O. H. Delbanco, G. E. C. Gad, F. Hegel, C. C. Lose), 1867. See p.25. Bartholdy, Nils G. Adels- og våbenbreve udstedt af danske (unions-)konger indtil 1536, København: Selskabet for Udgivelse af Kilder til dansk Historie, 2007. (pdf.)
Christensen, Thorkild Lyby, "Scots in Denmark in the Sixteenth Century", in The Scottish Historical Review Vol. 49, No. 148, Part 2 (Oct., 1970), pp. 125-145. There is a mention to Thomas Scotus, armorum rex, pp.131-2.
Paludan-Müller, Caspar Aktstykker til Nordens historie i grevefeidens tid, vol.1-2, Odense: M. C. Hempel, 1852-3. (Google Books.) Bilag A. Afskrift af de keiserlige Commissærers Brev til Joachim Rönnow om danske Sendebuds Deltagelse i de hamborgske Fredsunderhandinger imellem Hollænderne og Lybekkerne. Hamborg, den 1ste Marts 1534. ... ineunte hoc mense februario caduceatorem siue heraldum regni danie Bruxellam aduenisse, ... Cum autem eidem heraldo exhibere quoque vellet eiusdem tractatus... pp.53-4, p.54.
Tønnesen, Allan, "Ernst Verwohlt og heraldikken".
