A Scotch Copy of a Poem on Heraldry
These contents are taken from the text version of Furnivall, Frederick James (ed.), Queene Elizabethes achademy (by Sir Humphrey Gilbert): A booke of precedence. The ordering of a funerall, &c. Varying versions of The good wife, The wise man, &c, Early English Text Society Extra Series, vol. 8, London: Published for the Early English Text Society by N. Trübner, 1869. (Internet Archive.) I corrected typographical errors due to the OCR system misrecognition, but there may still exist such errors. Please consult printed version for academic purpose. S.U.
Table of contents
Introduction ... pp.xviff. [Introduction is not so named by the author.]
The text and Simple text ... pp.93ff. [I provide simple text version just to facilitate text copying; text version follows the layout of printed book which is inconvenient to select the text of the poem.]
Notes ... pp.102ff.
Related materials
Sir William Cumming
Criminal Trials in Scotland: 1488-1596, 1833, p.98.
Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum, vol.2, 1878, vol.3, 1880, vol.4, 1880, vol.5, 1882, vol.6, 1883, vol.7, 1884, vol.8, 1885, vol.9, 1886, vol.10, 1887 p.19, 119, 201, 256, 314, 447 (mentions to Cumming's predecessor as Marchmont), 448, 483, 587, 670, 753 (Cumming), vol.11, 1888 p.38, 41, 71, 148, 150, 295, 300, 301, 306, vol.12, 1889 p.8, 135, 189, 197, 278, 284, 441, 447, 521, 527, vol.13, 1891, p.3, 8, 154, 285, 290, 428, 435, 502 (mentions to Cumming as Marchmont), 76, 149, 281, 421 (mentions to Cumming's predecesesor as Lyon), 508, 543, 656 (mentions to Cumming as Lyon), vol.14, 1893, pp. cxviiiff., p.315, vol.15, 1895. [Volumes which I did not give specific page numbers have yet mentions to Scotch heralds. I could not find vol.1 on the Internet.]
Paul, James Balfour, Registrum magni sigilli regum Scotorum: The register of the Great seal of Scotland, A.D. 1306-1668, Edinburgh: General register house, 1882. [we find these instances:
2767. Apud Edinburgh, 18 Jan. ... WILLELMO CUMYNG de Inverelochy, alias Merchmond Heraldo nuncpato ...,
2993. Apud Edinburgh, 11 Oct. ... Wil. Cumyng de Inverellochy,
3088. Apud Edinburgh, 12 Apr. ... militi WILLELMO CUMING de Inverellochy, alias Marchmund Heraldo ...,
3089. Apud Edinburgh, 14 Apr. ... militi WILLELMO CUMMYNG de Inverellochy, alias Marchmond Herald ...,
3135. Apud Edinburgh, 18 Sept. ... militi et servitori suo WILLELMO CUMYNG de Inverellochy, alias Merchmond Heraldo ...,
3300. Apud Edinburgh, 8 Feb. ... Wil. Cumyng de Inverellochy militis alias Marchemond Heraldi ...,
p.705. (There is also 1198. Apud Edinburgh, 12 Apr. ... JURDANO CUMYNE ... terram de Innyrathy ..., p.243.)]
Munro, Jean, Munro, R.W. Munro (eds.), Acts of the lords of the Isles, 1336-1493, Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 1986, pp.189ff. [120. Charter of confirmation by John, lord of the Isles and baron of Kingedward, of a charter granted by the late William Cumming of Culter to his son William, keeper of the king's key ...]
Brown, J. T. T., "Schir Johne the Ross, A lost 13th Century Makar", in Scots lore, Glasgow: William Hodge, 1895, vol.1, No.6, pp.293-307. [Pp.299ff. is concerned with heralds; see especially p.299, n. 3.]
Michel, Francisque, Les Écossais en France, les Français en Écosse, vol. 1, London: Trübner, 1862. [Mention to Marchmont in p.306 citing Histoire du chevalier Bayard, avec son Supplément par Claude Expilly, Nouvelle Edition, Grenoble, 1650, annot. p.34, 335, 385, 427. Some of the then incumbent was Sir William.]
King James [IV] ... sent Marchmond Herauld to the King of England ... Drummond of Hauthornden, William, The History of Scotland, from the year 1423 until the year 1542, London, 16822, p.199.
The Lord Lyon of the day was Sir William Cumming of Inveralocchy ..., Thomas, Andrea, "Crown Imperial: Coronation Ritual and Regalia in the Reign of James V", in Goodare, Julian and MacDonald, Alasdair A. (eds.), Sixteenth-Century Scotland: Essays in Honour of Michael Lynch, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2008, pp.43ff, p.52.
The ‘harralde’ was Sir William Cumming of Inverallochy, Lyon King of Arms, Paul, James Balfour, The Scots peerage: founded on Wood's ed. of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, vol.7, Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1910, p.41.
Fraser, William, Chiefs of Grant, 3 vols., Edinburgh: 1883. vol.1, p.153, 154; vol.3, p.131, 132; pp.380ff., pp.391ff., p.397. See index in vol.3 p.521 [Mention to Elizabeth, fl. 1560-80, wife to a William Cumming of Inverallochy. (Our Sir William's desendent? Not sure.)]
Adam Loutfut's works
Houwen, L.A.J.R., "A Scots Translation of a Middle French Bestiary", in Studies in Scottish Literature, vol. 26, issue 1, 1991. (pdf)
Houwen, L.A.J.R., "The Seven Deeds of Honour and Their Crowns: Lydgate and a Late Fifteenth-Century Scots Chivalric Treatise", in Studies in Scottish Literature, vol. 28, issue 1, 1993. (pdf)
Byles, Alfred T. P. (ed.), The Book of the Ordre Chyvalry, Translated and Printed by William Caxton ... Together with Adam Loutfut's Scottish Transcript, London: OUP-Humphrey Milford, 1926. (Non vidi.)
McClure, J. Derrick, Scots and its Literature, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995, p.44.
McClure, J. Derrick, "European Poetry in Scots", in Hubbard, Tom, Jack, Ronald D. S. Scotland in Europe, Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2006, pp.89ff., p.89 n.1.
Martin, Joanna, Kingship and Love in Scottish Poetry, 1424—1540, London and New York: Routledge, 2016, p.59.
Huxtable, Michael, "Of Device as Device: The Narrative Functioning of Armorial Displays in Froissartfs Chronicles", in Post Graduate English Journal, no. 18, 2008.
Allmand, Christopher, The De Re Militari of Vegetius, Cambridge University Press, 2011, p.235.
Nall, Catherine R., "The Production and Reception of Military Texts in the Aftermath of the Hundred Years War", Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of York, 2004, p.18.
Emblems and Enigma. The Heraldic Imagination. An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Society of Antiquaries of London, Saturday 26th April 2014. Progamme and Abstracts. Among the Panels, we find Bruce Durie, ‘The “Scotch Copy of a Poem on Heraldry”, c.1494’.
Scotch heralds
"Extracts from the Accounts of the Burgh of Aberdeen", in The miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol.5, 1841. pp.39ff. (of the main text; preface has own page numbering). [Item, to Gilbert Guthrie, Merchmont herauld, p.134; Item, to Gilbert Guthrie, younger, Marchemond herald, p.129; Item, to Gilbert Guthrie, Merchmount herald, p.140.]
Arnot, Hugo, The History of Edinburgh, from the Earliest Accounts, to the Year 1780, Edinburgh: Thomas Turnbull, 1816, Appendix V. Order of the Funeral Procession ... of Duke Rothes, Aug. 1681, pp.475ff. [Six heralds including Marchmont joined, see p.477.]
"Report by de La Brosse and d'Oysel on Conditions in Scotland, 1559-1560", Miscellany of the Scottish History Society, vol.9, 1958, pp.83ff. [Mention to such heralds as Robert Forman, Lyon King of Arms, William Hardy, Unicorn Pursuivant, John Patterson, Snowdon Herald, Alexander Ross, Ross Herald, Peter Thomson, Islay Herald; see p.91, 94, 100, 101, 104, pp.106-112, 114.]
Emond, William Kevin, "The Minority of King James V, 1513-1528", Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. St. Andrews, 1989. [See p.44, 78, 157, 158, 166, 239 n.64, 254, 269, 299, 307, 326, 345, 395 n.10, 403 n.129, 404 n.151, 409, 418, 431, 435, 444 n.43, 449 n.120, 450 n.139, 450 n.142, 558, 585, 666 App. G, 668 App. G n.4. Mentions to Scotch and English heralds.]
In fiction
Dunnett, Dorothy, Gemini: The Eighth Book of The House of Niccolo, Vintage, 2001, n.p. Morrison, Elspeth, The Dorothy Dunnett Companion, vol.2, Vintage Books, 2002, n.p.(?). (Under PRESTON family?) [Sir William appears. In the latter work, there is a mention to Sir William's second wife, Cristina.]
Tranter, Nigel, James, By the Grace of God: James V Trilogy 2, Hooder and Stoughton, 1985. [Sir David Lyndsay appears.]