Some thoughts regarding Öllmann herald(s)

Question and discussion

The question here is: the Johann Olmann/Öllmann, Reichsherold who occurred 1643-7 is identical with Johann Carl Öllmann auf Edlbrun/Edelprunn Reichsherold und Hoffourier who occurred 1652-61 or not.
In conclusion, my assumption for now is, Hans/Johann Olman/Öhlmann/Olmann/Öllmann was since around 1612 a Hof Fourier; got the nobiliary particle auf/von Edlbrun/Edelprunn in 1625; was a herald at least around 1643-7; and died 1647 (the one who died in 1638 is unlikely to be identical with our Johann). Johann Carl Oelmann/Oehlman/Öllmann/Oelman was also a herald and Hof Fourier both since from at least 1652 and died 1661.
The most critical key is the former was ältester Hoffourier in 1625 and , while the latter was in 1653 ranked in the 4th of the Hof Fouriers' list. Since in the Habsburger court, this kind of list is almost always arranged by the seniority (see Rudolph II's Hoff Statt as of 1612 for example), the one who was the most senior in 1625 should come at the top of the list in 1653.
To support this, in the discourse about the institution of heralds in Flori Europæi, V., it seems the only person who could provide evidences seems to have been Beringer. If Johann was living then he must have had many documents.
I assume Johann's heraldic tenure started around 1625. Or, it is possible the 1625 mention could be a retrospective mention. If he was an officer of arms in that year, then he was in office down to 1647. As far as we know, around 1625, there were Hamoir (1614-24), Persitz (1621- before 35?), Gimenich (before 1624-33/4), Beringer (before 1624-60), Parr (1627-40?), Pernsteiner (1630), then these many incumbents potentially cause lack of room for our Johann. However, it is possible, for example, he was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by Hamoir's death, or Persitz left the office by 1625. For now I make this a open question.
There is some doubt Hans can be Johann can be identical or not. This does not anyway impact the conclusion. Prickler 1976 says he was Hofquartiermeister in 1622 (see the list below). His name is not there in Hochedlinger et al. 2019, p.220. However, this list is not consitent with Rudolph II's Hoff Statt as of 1612 which means it is simply not perfect. This again does not impact the conclusion.
(Theoretically it is possible that there were two Johann, one between 1612 and 1633 and the other between 1643 and 1647. In this case there were three Öllmann heralds. But isn't this too much? For now I assume there was only one Johann.)
If my assumption is correct, then who was Johann Carl? Since both is stlyed auf/von Edlbrun/Edelprunn, it is certain they were related. What exactly was there relation? Was he Johann's son? According to Prickler 1976, Johann had got married by 1622. If Johann Carl was born around that year, he died around 40 which is a little bit too young (yet possible). We do not know when exactly Johann got married and also it is possible to think he had been a widower by 1622 and got married again. For now I make this another open question.
Kleemann, Selmar, Die Familiennamen Quedlinburgs und der Umgegend, Quedlinburg: H.C. Huch, 1891, p.87 (Internet Archive) gives the etymology of this family name.

Chronological list of Öllmann occurrences

'a' with number denotes another, unrelated person.
Hans Olman was a HoffFurierer [Matthias's Hoff Statt as of 1612].
Hans Öhlmann was a Hoffourier [AT-OeStA/HHStA HausA Familienakten 98a-49 Konzept eines Passbriefes für den Hoffourier Hans Öhlmann für den bevorstehenden Reichstag in Regensburg, 1613.03.13 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
1613 a1
Mention to one Mathäus Ölmann, from Tirschenreuth in Oberpfalz [AT-OeStA/HHStA RHR Passbriefe 12-2-24 Ölmann Mathäus, aus Tirschenreuth/Oberpfalz, für Lebensmittelhandel nach Regensburg, 1613 (2 St.), 1613 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
Johann, Olman (Ölman) (his office was not mentioned) got the status of Adelsstand [AT-OeStA/AVA Adel RAA 300.53 Olman (Ölman), Johann, Adelsstand, Wappenbesserung, Rotwachsfreiheit, 1613.05.23 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
1615 a2
Johann Oellmann was a Bürger of Brakler [Leesch, Wolfgang, "Matrikel der Bürgerrechsverleihungen im Brakeler Rats- und Bürgerbuch" in Beiträge zur westfälischen Familienforschung, Band 16, 1958, pp.1ff., p.13 (pdf)].
Johann Öllmann (Ellmann), Hoffurier und Hofquartiermeister was Besitzer des Bades (of Großhöflein) through his wife's inheritance [Prickler 1976, p.141].
1624-7 a3
Controversy between Paul Otterer, Sekretär der niederösterreichischen Kammer and Johann Öllmann, Bürger zu Weiden in der Oberpfalz [AT-OeStA/HHStA RHR Judicialia Antiqua 442-44 Otterer contra Öllmann; Gesuche um kaiserliche Interventionsschreiben und Befehle betr. die Rückgabe eines gekauften Hauses in Weiden in der Oberpfalz gegen Erstattung des Kaufpreises gemäß den Bedingungen des Kaufvertrags, 1624-1627 (Akt (Sammelakt, Gr]. If this Johann is our herald, why was there no mention that he was a Hof Fourier, and since he served the Emperor, was it possible to be a Bürger zu Weiden in der Oberpfalz?
Johann Öllman, kaiserlicher Herold und ältester Hoffourier got the nobiliary particle [AT-OeStA/AVA Adel HAA AR 665.13 Öllman, Johann, kaiserlicher Herold und ältester Hoffourier, Adelsbestätigung, „von Edlbrun“, 1625.08.16 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
Johann Ölman was mentioned as a Hoffourier [AT-OeStA/FHKA SUS Fam.A. O-13 Ölman Johann, Hoffourier, Hochzeitsgeschenk, 1630.01.03 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
Johann Öllman surrendered the Bad in exchange of other lands [Prickler 1976, p.143-4].
Ioannes Carolus Ollman, Nob[ilis] Grammat[icus?] was one of Ephebi & Choragi in a play; apparently he was one of the students at the college of the Society of Jesus [Maria Virgo Blasphemiarvm Vltrix ... Drama: In Scenam publice datum ... Ab ... Nobili Academica Ivventvte, Collegij Casarei, Societatis Iesu, Viennae Austriae ... Anno M.DC.XXXV. ..., Wien: Formica, 1635, Sig. B 3 (Google Books.)]. Possibly idenetical with our herald? How old were the students?
1638 a4
Johann Ölmann died at Rosenberg. [Begleichung der Schulden des verstorbenen Johann Ölmann von 159 fl. bei der fürstlichen Kammer wegen der Verwaltung Rosenberg aus dem Erlös für das Schlemmer'sche Haus zu Sulzbach - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek].
Johann Olmann was mentioned as Reichsherold und ältester Hoffurier and his son went to Genoa [AT-OeStA/HHStA RHR Passbriefe 12-2-25 Olmann Johann, Reichsherold und ältester Hoffurier, für seinen Sohn zu Studien nach Genua, 1643, 1643 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
Johann Öllmann was a Reichsherold and his properties' inventory was created [AT-OeSTA/HHStA HA OMaA 646-219 Verlassenschaftsabhandlung Öllmann Johann, Reichsherold, Inventar, 1647.03.14 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
Johann Carl Oelmann was a Reichs Herold and declared Imperial Ban against the city of Bremen [Der Römischen Kayserlichen Majestät Und Deß Heiligen Römischen Reichs Geist und Welitlicher Stände ... Acta Publica ..., Frankfurt am Main: Johann Baptist Schönwetter, 1668, p.813, Lit. D. See also Cortretius, Adam, Corporis juris publici sacri romani imperii germanici ..., vol.3, Frankfurt am Main: Christianus Genschius, 1719, pp.119-120 (see the last page) (Google Books). See futher also Kurtzer Bericht, wie es nach beschehener Stadt bremischen partition, mit denen zu Delmenhorst vorgewesenem Tractaten, vnnd der darauff am 20 (39) Decembris Anno 1652 erfolgen Achtserklerung ergangen. (Google Books.)].
Johann Carl Oehlman was one of Hoffurier together with Amandus Kreitenhueber and Jacob Liedl; Oehlman is ranked in the 4th [Ferdinand III and IV's Hoff Stat as of 1653-4].
Ioannes Carolus Oehlmann was still a Hoffurier [Bucelin, Gabriel, Germania topo-chrono-stemmato-graphica sacra et prophana ..., Augsburg: Typis Ioannis Prætorii, 1655, Pars operis tertia, p.280, right col. (Google Books) (In the left col., Johann Jakob Froberger is there; here is transcribed same information: hofstaat)].
Johann Öllmann auf Edlbrun Reichsherold und Hoffourier, his testament [AT-OeSTA/HHStA HA OMaA 625-52 Testament des Johann Öllmann auf Edlbrun Reichsherold und Hoffourier, 1659.12.20 (Akt (Sammelakt, Grundzl., Konvolut, Dossier, File))].
Ioannes Carolus Oelman, in Edelbrun was one of five heralds [Heralds list of 1660].
Johann Karl Öllmann auf Edelprunn was kais. Reichsherold und Hof-Fourier, his testament published (p. is short for publicierten?) [Monatsblatt der „Adler“, 4. Band, Nr. 214, Wien, October 1898, pp.333ff., "Einige genalogische Auszüge (Fortsetzung)", pp.333ff., p.335].

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