A list of Savoyan Officers of Arms (incomplete, under compilation and review)


Archives héraldiques suisses
Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences belles-lettres et arts de Savoie
Mémoires et documents publiés par l'Académie chablaisienne
Mémoires et documents publiés par l'Académie salésienne
Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genève
Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société d'histoire de la suisse romande
Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société savoisienne d'histoire et d'archéologie


IR. 138 - Contrôle des sels entrés, sortis et débités aux greniers à sel de Savoie - description et dénombrement des familles et bétail de Savoie, rôles des défaillants et des amendes, 1527-1605 - SA 1601-2124 (inventaire turinois no 72).; IR. 165 - Procés entre particuliers de la province de Savoie - SA 4384-4622 (inventaire turinois no 171).; IR. 175 - Comptes à l'occasion des réparations des ponts et des chemins en Savoie, 1296-1714 - SA 5751-5826 (inventaire turinois no 33).; IR. 177 - Comptes particuliers des étapes et des munitions des gens de guerre au delà des Monts, 1547-1711 - SA 6400-7668 (inventaire turinois no 36).; IR. 178 - Inventaire-Index des comptes de châtellenies et de subsides (conservés aux Archives départementales de la Savoie et de la Haute-Savoie). Série SA.; (IR. 200) Fonds du Parlement de Chambéry (1536-1559). Cote : FR.AD073. 1B 1-58 et 100-106. (65 articles).; I.R. 203. Serie B. Cours et juridictions avant 1793. Sous-série 2 B. Inventaire des répertoires des registres des Edits Bulles, 1559 - 1567. Novembre 2005.; I.R. 204. Serie B. Cours et juridictions avant 1793. Sous-série 2 B. Inventaire des répertoires des registres des Edits Bulles, 1571 - 1596. Novembre 2005.; IR. 205. Serie B. Cours et juridictions avant 1793.Sous-série 2 B. Inventaire des répertoires des registres des Edits Bulles, 1587 - 1627. Novembre 2005.; IR. 703. Inventaire sommaire des archives hospitalières de la ville de Chambéry. Fonds II. Hopital général de la charité et repenties. Série A. Actes de fondation. — Privilèges. Juin 2015. (pdfs. For a full list see Liste de inventaires pdf des Archives départementales de la Savoie. )
Armorial et nobiliaire de l'ancien duché de Savoie
Foras, Amédée de, Armorial et nobiliaire de l'ancien duché de Savoie, Grenoble: Allier, t.1, 1863, t.2, 1878, t.3, 1893. (Tomes 4-5 are not available online.)
Amman 1919-1924.
Amman, Alfred d', "Lettres d'armoiries et de noblesse concédées à familles fribourgeoises", in AHS, vol. 33, 1919, pp.17ff., pp.76ff., pp.115ff.; vol. 34, 1920, pp.31ff., pp.67ff., pp.106ff.; vol. 35, 1921, pp.16ff., pp.55ff.; vol. 36, 1922, pp.23ff., pp.129ff.; vol. 37, 1923, pp.32ff., pp.62ff., pp.115ff., pp.164ff.; 1924, pp.23ff., pp.104ff. (supplement), pp.162ff. (supplement).
Archivio di Stato di Torino. Volumo 11: écritures concernant la ville de Genève, 1. écritures concernant les droits de la royale maison de Savoie sur la ville de Genève et les contestations à cet égard jusqu'au traité de 1754, 6. Titres et écritures qui concernent les terres de Saint-Victor et Chapitre, les baillages de Ternier et Gaillard, par rapport à la ville de Genève. Volumo 119 : traités avec les Suisses.
Balard, Jean, Chaponière, J.-J. (ed.), Journal du syndic Jean Balard ou relation des événements qui se sont passés à Genève de 1525 à 1531, Genève: Jullien, 1854. (Google Books.)
Barbero 2002.
"La corte di Carlo II, duca di Savoia (1504-1553) ", in Barbero, Alessandro, Il Ducato di Savoia. Amministrazione e corte di uno stato franco-italiano. 1416-1536, Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2002, pp.197-256, 310-321. (pdf)
Besson 1759.
Besson, Joseph A. Mémoires pour l'histoire ecclésiastique des diocèses de Genève, Tarantaise, Aoste et Maurienne, et du Décanate de Savoye, Nancy: Sebastien Henault, 1759. (Google Books.)
Blondel 1919.
Blondel, Louis, Les faubourgs de Genève au XVme siècle (MDG, sér. in-4, t5), 1919. (Google Books.) The relevant part is here: MDG, sér. in-4, t5, 1919, VII. Faubourg de Temple, pp.86-88. (pdf.)
Bonivard, François, Les chroniques de Genève, vol.1, vol.2, Genève: Jules-G. Fick, 1867.
Bollati di Saint Pierre 1900.
Bollati di Saint Pierre, Emanuele Federico, Illustrazioni della spedizione in Oriente di Amedeo VI (Il Conte Verde), Torino: Fratelli Bocca, 1900. (Internet Archive.)
'officier d'armes à la cour de Bourgogne
Bouverat 2014
Bouverat, Dominique, "Saint Julien-en-Genevois à l'époque moderne : un élan brisé", in Le Bénon, No.84, 2014, pp.12ff. (pdf.)
Brero 2008.
Brero, Thalia, "La fête de l'ordre de l'Annonciade. Une innovation cérémonielle du duc Charles II de Savoie", in Andenmatten, B., Chène, C., Ostorero, M., Pibiri, E. (eds.), Mémoires de cours. Etudes offertes à Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, Lausanne: Cahiers lausannois d'histoire médiévale (no 48), 2008, p. 303-333.
Brero 2018.
Brero, Thalia, "Concepteur, acteur, narrateur : le héraut, protagoniste central des rituels de cour à la in du Moyen Âge", in Carrangeot, Delphine, Laurioux, Bruno, Puech, Vincent (dir.), Rituels et cérémonies de cour, de l'Empire romain à l'âge baroque, Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2018, pp.107ff. (pdf.)
Bruchet 1907.
Bruchet, Max, Le Château de Ripaille, Paris: Ch. Delagrave, 1907. (Gallica)
Buchon, Jean Alexandre C., Choix de chroniques et memoires sur l'histoire de France. (Anthology of several chronicles and memoires.)
Calendario generale pe'regii stati: 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1853, 1859, 1860.
Calendario di corte
Calendario di corte: 1821.
Chroniques de Yolande
Ménabréa, Léon, Chroniques de Yolande de France, Chambéry, 1859.
Le citadin de Geneve
Sarasin, Jean, Lect, Jacques, Le citadin de Geneve, Ou Response au Cavalier de Savoye, Paris: chez Pierre Le Bret, 1606. (Google Books.)
Genta, Enrico et al., I Consegnamenti D'Arme Piemontesi, Torino, 2000. (pdf)
Bridel, Louis, Bridel, Philippe Sirice, Le conservateur suisse, ou Recueil complet des Étrennes helvétiennes, Tome 1, Tome 2, Tome 3, Tome 4, Tome 5, Tome 6, Tome 7, Tome 8, Tome 9, Tome 10, Tome 11, Tome 12, Tome 13, Lausanne: Louis Knab, 1813-1831.
Aimé-Louis, Herminjard, Correspondance des Réformateurs dans les pays de langue française, Genève: H. Georg, Paris: Michel Levy, tome 3, 1870. (Google Books.)
Dullin 1915.
Dullin, Ferdinand, "Étude historique sur la judicature mage et le tribunal de Saint-Julien (Haute Savoie)", in MASBAS, 5e série, tome 3, 1915, pp.1ff. (gallica.)
Duval 1879.
Duval, César, Ternier et Saint-Julien. Essai historique sur les anciens bailliages de Ternier et Gaillard et le district révolutionnaire de Carouge avec documents inédits, Genève: H. Georg, 1879. (gallica.)
Duval 1882.
Duval, César, "Procès de sorciers à Viry. Baillage de Ternier de 1534 à 1548. Documents inédits", in Bulletin de l'Institut national genevois, tome 24, 1882, pp.297ff. (Internet Archive.)
Dufour, Auguste, Rabut, François, "Les peintres et les peintures en Savoie du XIIIe au XIXe siècle", in: MDSS, tome 12, 1870, pp.3-303.
Kaiser, Jakob, Segesser, Anton Philipp von, Amtliche Sammlung der ältern eidgenoessischen Abschiede. Band 3, Abtheilung 2: von 1500 bis 1520, Lucern: Meyer, 1869. Band 4, Abtheilung 1c: von 1533 bis 1540, Lucern: Meyer, 1878.
Cibrario, Luigi, Della economia politica del medio evo. (Several editions.)
Battesimo, Filippo-Emanuele
Bucci, Domenico Filiberto, Il solenne battesimo del prencipe di Piemonte Filippo-Emanuele, 1588. (Google Books.)
Froment 1854.
Froment, Antoine, Les actes et gestes marveilleux de la cité de Geneve, Genève: Iules Fick, 1854. (Internet Archive.)
Fodéré 1619.
Fodéré, Jacques, Narration historique, et topographique des convens de l'Ordre S. François, et monastères S. Claire, Lyon: Pierre Rigaud, 1619. (Google Books.)
Galiffe, Matériaux
Galiffe, James, Matériaux pour l'histoire de Genève, tome 1, tome 2. (Both Google Books.)
Gautier, Jean-Antoine, Histoire de Genève, vol.1, Genève: Rey et Malavallon, 1896, vol.2, Genève: Rey et Malavallon, 1896, vol.6, Genève: Société Générale d'imprimerie, 1903. (All Internet Archive. 8 volumes + table analytique.)
Gillard 1934.
Gillard, Charles, "La rançon du Pays de Vaud en 1536", in Festschrift Hans Nabholz überreicht zum 60. Geburtstag am 12. Juni 1934, Zürich: A.-G. Gebr. Leemann, 1934, pp.171-91.
P de Goumoëns
ARCHIVES CANTONALES VAUDOISES. Section P : Archives privées. Sous-section P alphabétique : Archives privées entrées jusqu'en 1978. Cote : P de Goumoëns. (pdf.) See also ARCHIVES CANTONALES VAUDOISES. P de GOUMOËNS. Inventaire du fonds déposé par le conseil de famille en 1953, dressé en 1978/1979 par Olivier Dessemonteti. (pdf.)
Guichenon, Samuel, Histoire généalogique de la royale maison de Savoie. Édition Nouvelle. tome 1, tome 2, tome 3, tome 4, 1e partie, tome 4, 2e partie.
Haitze 1880-1892.
Haitze, Pierre-Joseph de, Histoire de la ville d'Aix capitale de la Provence, Aix: Makaire, 6 vols., 1880-1892. Here tome 3.
Histoire de Bresse et de Bugey
Hist. et Chron. de Provence
Nostradamus, César, L'histoire et chronique de Provence, Lyon: Simon Rigaud 1624. (Google Books.)
Guichenon, Samuel, Histoire de Bresse et de Bugey, 1650.
Hist. d'Emmanuel Philibert
Brusle de Montpleinchamp, Jean-Chrysostome, L'Histoire d'Emmanuel Philibert duc de Savoie, 1692. (Google Books.)
IS, antérieures à 1790. Côte d'Or, sér B.
Rossignol, Martial et Garnier, Joseph, Inventaire sommaire des Archives départementales antérieures à 1790, Côte d'Or. Archives civiles - Série B. Chambre des comptes de Bourgogne Nos 9500 à 11265, tome 4, Dijon, 1876. (Internet Archive.)
IS, antérieures à 1790. Haute-Savoie, sér E.
Bruchet, Max, Inventaire sommaire des Archives départementales antérieures à 1790 : Haute-Savoie. Archives Civles — série E — Nos 1 à 1600, Annecy: Abry, 1904. (Internet Archive.)
IS, antérieures à 1790. Haute-Savoie, sérs A. B. et I. C. - I. C. IV.
Bruchet, Max, Letonnelier, Gaston, Inventaire sommaire des Archives départementales antérieures à 1790 : Haute-Savoie. Archives Civles — série E — Nos 1 à 1600, Annecy: Herisson, 1921. (gallica.)
Jacquet 1978.
Jacquet, Abel, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois : Histoire d'un bourg de province des origines à nos jours, Annecy : (privately printed?), 1978. (PDF version available at Les libraires (A Canadian bookstore). Partly availabe at gallica also.)
Jussie, Jeanne de, Le levain du calvinisme, Genève: Jules-Guillame Fick, 1865. (Internet Archive.)
Meyer 2016.
Meyer, Frédéric, "La frontière et la mémoire. Le Père Jacques Fodéré et la province franciscaine de Bourgogne au début du XVIIe siècle face aux pasteurs et aux Récollets", in Léonard, Julien (dir.). Prêtres et pasteurs : Les clergés à l'ère des divisions confessionnelles (xvie-xviie siècles). Nouvelle édition [en ligne]. Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2016, pp. 221-235.
Mottier 2008.
Mottier, Cédric, "la rupture du XVIe siècle (1536-1603)", 2e partie de Guilleré, Christian, Santschi, Catherine (eds.), Terres et pouvoirs partagés entre Genève et Savoie. Valleiry et La Joux (XIe siècle - 1754), Archives d'État de Genève, Université de Savoie, La Salévienne, 2008. Especially pp. 274-277.
Mugnier 1894.
Mugnier, François, "Orgueil féodal: Guy de Feysigny et Jacques de Montmayeur", in MDSS, tome 33, 1894, pp.1ff.
Mugnier 1902-1905.
Mugnier, François, "Antoine Favre. Président de Genevois, Premier Président du Sénat de Savoie, 1557-1624". Première partie. Histoire du Président Favre, in MDSS, tome 41, 1902, pp.3ff. Second partie. Correspondance du Président Favre, Tome Ier, in MDSS, tome 42, 1903, pp.3ff; Tome IIe, in MDSS, tome 43, 1905, pp.3ff.
Naef 1968.
Naef, Henri, Les Origines de la Réforme à Genève : L'Ere de la triple combourgeoisie. L'Epée ducale et l'épée de Farel, Genève: Alex. Julien, 1968. (Google Books.)
Notices généalogiques
Galiffe, Jacques Augustins, Notices généalogiques sur les familles genevoises depuis les premiers temps jusqu'à nos jours, Genève and Paris: J. Barbezat, 1829, Genève: (private print?), 1831, tome 7, Genève: J. Jullien, 1895. (Internet Archive.)
Nouveau dénombrement
Nouveau dénombrement des feux de Ternier et Gaillard fait en l'an 1576. Paroisse de Compesières. (pdf.)
Il corso delle stelle osservato dal pronostico moderno Palmaverde almanacco piemontese: 1778, 1782, 1784, 1786, 1796, 1820, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1836, 1840, 1848, 1863, 1866, 1870, 1872, 1881.
Perrillat 2006.
Perrillat, Laurent, L'Apanage de Genevois aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles : pouvoirs, institutions et société, tome 1, tome 2, Annecy: Académie Salésienne, 2006. (gallica.)
Perrin 1879-1883.
Perrin, André, Le prieuré de Chamonix : documents relatifs au prieuré et à la vallee de Chamonix, recueillis par M. J.-A. Bonnefoy, Chambéry: Chatelain, vol1., 1879, vol2., 1883. (gallica.)
Quinsonas, Emmanuel de, Matériaux pour servir a l'histoire de Marguerite d'Autriche. tome 1, tome 2, tome 3, Paris: Delaroque frères, 1809. (Google Books.)
Raccolta per ordine di materie delle leggi, provvidenze, editti, manifesti, ecc., 1818, p.156. (Google Books.) See also Santi, Vittorio Amedeo Cigna, Serie cronologica de' cavalieri dell'ordine supremo di Savoia detto prima del Collare, indi della Santissima Nunziata, 1786, pp.288ff.
Registres du Conseil de Genève, Genève: Société d'historique and d'archélogie de Genève. tome 3, 1911; tome 4, 1911; tome 5, 1914; tome 6, 1916; tome 7, 1919; tome 8, 1922; tome 9, 1925; tome 10, 1928; tome 11, 1931; tome 12, 1936; tome 13, 1940. Hochuli-Dubuis, Paule (ed.), Registres du Conseil de Genève à l'époque de Calvin, Tome 1, Genève: Droz, 2003. (For this one, EPUB version available at Les libraires (A Canadian bookstore). Available at Amazon also but they do not sell it to customers from Japan.) Hochuli Dubuis, Paule, Coram-Mekkey, Sandra (eds.), Registres du conseil de Genève à l'époque de Calvin, Tome 2, Genève: Droz, 2004.
Ercole Ricotti, Storia della monarchia piemontese.
Œuvres de saint François de Sales.
27 vols, 1892-1964 [See Notice bibliographique for the detail]. tome 11, 1900, tome 12, 1902, tome 13, 1904, tome 14, 1906, tome 20, 1918. [Here I checked the letters only and I give the volumes which I acutually refer.]
Saraceno 1880.
Saraceno, F., "Giunta ai giullari e menestrelli, viaggi, imprese guerresche dei principi d'Acaia (1390-1438)", in Curiosità e ricerche di storia subalpina, vol. 4, 1880, pp.205ff. (Internet Archive.)
Arch. de la famille de Saussure.
Bibliothèque de Genève. Catalogue des manuscrits. Archives de la famille de Saussure. 16e - 20e siècles. CH BGE Arch. de Saussure 1-579. (pdf.)
Soffietti 1969.
Soffietti, Isidoro (ed.), Verbali del Consilium cum domino residens del Ducato di Savoia (1512-1532), Milano: Giuffrè, 1969. (Internet Archive.)
Rivoire, Émile et Berchem, Victor van, Les sources du droit du Canton de Genève, tome 1: des origines à 1460, Arau: H. R. Sauerländer, 1927, tome 2: 1461-1550, Arau: H. R. Sauerländer, 1930.
Thomas III
Iorga, Nicolae, Thomas III, marquis de Saluces. Étude historique et littéraire avec une introduction sur la politique de ses prédécesseurs et un appendice de textes, Paris: H. Champion, 1893. (Internet Archive.) (pp.99-100 are badly scanned; Wikimedia Commons is better in this regard.)
Vasella 1935.
Vasella, Oskar, "Der Krieg Berns gegen Savoyen im Jahre 1536 und die Unterwerfung der savoyischen Territorien durch Bern nach den amtlichen Aufzeichnungen der bernischen Kanzlei", in Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte, vol.29, 1935, pp.239ff., vol.30, 1936, pp.1ff., pp.81ff., pp.201ff., pp.293ff. The Register gives in p.314 references to Faucon, Familie 272 and Faucon, Jean 15, 217 , 308. However 15 should read 105 and I cannot find anything in 217. See Faulcon 1536 in the list.
Paviot, Jacques, "Une vie de héraut: Jean de la Chapelle, poursuivant Faucon, héraut Savoie (1424-1444)", in Revue du Nord, vol.366-367, 2006, pp.681-692.
Vuÿ 1877.
Vuÿ, Jules, "Capitulation du Fort Sainte-Catherine", in Mémoires de l'Institut national Genevois, tome 13, 1869-1877, pp.1ff. (Each article has own page numbering. Internet Archive.)


Borgia, Luigi, "Note per la conoscenza delle fonti araldiche italiane. Le fonti negli archivi di famiglia: un 'priorista' fiorentino", in: Il futuro della memoria. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi sugli archivi di famiglie e di persone. Capri, 9-13 settembre 1991, vol.2, 1997, pp.502-538, fig.1 (not page numberd, next to p.539) shows a potrait of a Bonnes-Nouvelles (probably an eighteenth century work).

The List

Jacques Convers
king of arms, 1253 [sic!]. [Guichenon, tome 1, p.272.]
Name unknown
Savoie herald of arms, c. 5 May 1300. [Brossard, Joseph, Histoire politique et religieuse du pays de Gex et lieux circonvoisins, Bourg-en-Bresse: Typ. de Milliet-Bottier, 1831, p.158. See also Prevost, François, Duplan, A. (ed.), "Histoire de la Ville d'Evian. Première partie", in MDAC, tome 5, 1886, p.59. Most likely an anachronistic mention. The author states Amadeus IV, in modern counting he is Amadeus V. There is, probably, another mention of the same source: Paradin, Guillaume, Tournes, Jean de (ed.), Chronique de Savoye, extraicte pour la pluspart de l'histoire de M. Guillaume Paradin, 1602, p.164.]
Name unknown
heralds, mentioned with minstrels, 1354. [Menestreiis et eyraudis. Cibrario, Luigi, Opusculi del cavaliere Luigi Cibrario, Torino, 1841, p.6.]
Name unknown
Savoie herald of arms, at the installation of the Order of Collar 1364. [Vie. I am doubtful of this mention (a) not a contemporary account and b) only ten years had passed when the heralds were mentioned with minstrels); I just followed the authoritative writer.]
Name unknown
herald of the King of Cyprus, 24 June 1366(? anyway as late as 1368). [No. 71 menesteriis et eyraudo regis Chippri; Bollati di Saint Pierre 1900, p.38.]
Name unknown
herald de Berri, 26 Aug. 1366(? anyway as late as 1368). [No. 163; Bollati di Saint Pierre 1900, p.51.]
Name unknown
herald, 1 June 1367? (? anyway as late as 1368). [No. 554; Bollati di Saint Pierre 1900, p.135.]
Name unknown
herald de Ferraria, c. Sept. 1367? (? anyway as late as 1368). [No. 931; Bollati di Saint Pierre 1900, p.207.]
Name unknown
herald, c. Nov. 1367? (? anyway as late as 1368). [No. 1155; Bollati di Saint Pierre 1900, p.245.]
Name unknown
Saovie king of arms, 1368. [Vie.]
Name unknown
Herald of the Count (of Savoie), mentioned with minstrels of the same Count, June, 1370. [Juenin, Pierre, Nouvelle histoire de l'abbaïe royale et collegiale de Saint Filibert, et de la ville de Tournus..., Dijon: Antoine de Fay, 1733, p.413. (Google Books.)]
Name unknown
regi de Sabaudia [Cibrario says he was a king of heralds], 1381. [Economia, vol.2, 1861, p.331.]
Michel de Crues
herald of arms, 1381. [Conservateur, Tome 8, p.26.]
king of heralds of Savoia, sent to Padova, Aquileria, Friuli and King of Hungary, c. Apr. 1381 and visited Antipope Clement VII in Avignon pro negociis domini, Aug. 1381. [Economia, vol.1, p.210, p.201.]
Name unknown
Savoie king of arms, 1383. [Vie.]
Name unknown
herald of Marquess of Saluzzo, 1386. [Thomas III, p.55, n.4, citing Perrinet.]
herald, 19 Aug, 1391. [Bruchet 1907, p.387.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, 1402. [Libravit eyraudo domini, vocato Savoye, Bruchet 1907, p.363. Vie, citing Bruchet 1907. Economia, 1839, p.556. Saraceno 1880, p.222.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, 26 Jan. 1402. [Librauit eyraudo Domini, nuncpato SAVOYE... Mémoires de l'Académie des sciences belles-lettres et arts de Turin, tome 21, 1813, p.604.]
Name unknown
Savoia herald, 1403. [Saraceno 1880, p.216.]
Names unknown
heralds of the Count of Savoy, 1410. [Bourgogne.]
Names unknown
Pursuivants of Savoy, c. 1411 mentioned together with minstrels: Aux ménestrels et poursuivans de Savoye, XII escus à eulx donnez par monseigneur le duc [Champollion-Figeac, Aimé, Louis et Charles, ducs d'Orléans: leur influence sur les arts, la littérature et l'esprit de leur siècle, Paris: comptoir des imprimeurs-unis, 1844, p. 278. (Internet Archive.)]
Name unknown
herald (? pursuivant) of Count of Savoy, 1411. [Bourgogne.]
Name unknown
herald of the Duke of Savoy, 6 Jan. 1412. [Bourgogne.]
Names unknown
heralds, Mar. 1412. [Saraceno 1880, p.219.]
Names unknown
heralds proclaimed peace between Thomas III of Saluzzo and Théodore of Montferrat, 25 Apr. 1412. [Thomas III, p.161, citing Chiesa. May be they were French heralds.]
Jean Piat
Genève herald, 1413. D. c. 1413. [Vie.]
Name unknown
Falcon pursuivant, 1415-1416. [Vie.]
Name unknown
Payment to a herald of the Duke of Burgundy, c. Feb. Apr. 1422. [Libravit heyraudis, trompetis et menestreriis predicti domini ducis Burgondie, Bruchet 1907, p.463.]
Jean de la Chappelle
Falcon pursuivant, 1424-29. Savoie herald, 1431-1444. [Vie.]
See also Rabut, François, "Voyages du héraut Savoye en France, a Chypre, en Sicile, a Venise, etc. Les annees 1432 et suivantes. Extraits des comptes du chatelain de St-Germain en Bugey", in MDSS, vol.31, 1892, pp.389-408 (Internet Archive); Latrie, Louis de Mas, Histoire de l'île de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la maison de Lusignan, tome 3, 1855, pp.12ff; Mémoire des dépenses faites par Savoye, héraut du duc ... en 1432 ... Au second voyage, Savoye, qui était à Bourg, reçoit au mois de juillet 1438 ... et arrive enfin à Chambéry le 6 janvier 1438/9. Sa dépense monte à 100 ducats. ... [IS, antérieures à 1790. Côte d'Or, sér B., tome 4, p.31, left col., B. 9645 (Rouleau.)]. Costa de Beauregard, Henri de, Souvenirs du règne d'Amédée VIII, premier duc de Savoie, Chambéry: Puthod fils, 1839, pp.233ff.
Names unknown
heralds, 15 Aug. 1424. [Saraceno 1880, p.217.]
Name unknown
Faucon, herald?, 1425. [Saraceno 1880, p.222.]
Name unknown
Faucon pursuivant of arms, 1425. [Bruchet 1907, p.365. Vie, citing Bruchet 1907.]
Name unknown
Herald of Arms of Savoy, 21 Aug. 1428. [Guichenon, tome 2, p.41.]
Name unknown
herald, temp. Charles VII of France. [Histoire de Bresse et de Bugey, tome 4, 1650, p.27.]
Name unknown
Perdiac, herald of the Duke of Savoïe, 1429 (c. May?). [Lobineau, Gui Alexis, Histoire de Bretagne, tome 1, Paris: Louis Guerin, 1707, p.579. (Google Books.)]
Name unknown
herald, c. Aug. - Dec. 1429. [IS des archives départemelmales antérieures à 1790. Nord. Archives civiles. Série B: Chambre des comptes de Lille, nos 1 à 1560, tome 1, 1865, p.353 (left col.). (Internet Archive.)]
Name unknown
herald, 1432. [MDSS, tome 24, 1886, p.400.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, 1432. [Bruchet 1907, p.480.]
Names unknown
two heralds, 1433. [Bruchet 1907, p.485 n.1.]
Name unknown
king of arms of Savoie, mentioned with kings of arms of Thoison-d'Or, Autheriche, France, the Count of Genève (see below) and heralds of Hermenie, Romarimon, Monreal, Argueil, Esprunier, Hurier, Zunicant, Humble-Requeste, Doulcee-Pensée, Léal-Poursuite, 7 Feb. 1433. [Buchon, tome 2, 1838, p.536 (Memoires de Saint-Rémy). Two heralds and pursuivant(s) were present, Bruchet 1907, pp.164-165.]
Name unknown
king of arms of the Count of Genève, mentioned with several kings of arms and heralds above, 7 Feb. 1433 [The then count was Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy].
Name unknown
Savoye herald, 1434-1435 mentioned with Piémont herald, minstrels and trumpetters. [Bruchet 1907, p.487.]
Name unknown
Piémont herald, 1434-1435. [Bruchet 1907, p.487.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, Spring 1434, mentioned with Geneve herald, Thomas menetrier and other minstrels and trumpetters. [Bruchet 1907, p.490.]
Name unknown
Geneve [sic] herald, Spring 1434. [Bruchet 1907, p.490. Vie, citing Bruchet 1907?]
Names unknown
heralds, Spring 1434. [38 roubes pour eyraulx, menestrier, trompetes..., Bruchet 1907, p.490. Meant Savoye and Geneve above?]
Names unknown
heralds, 7 Nov. 1434. [Librauit heraldis, mimis et trompetis Domini..., Saraceno 1880, p.218. Bruchet 1907, p.93 n.1.]
Name unknown
Piemont herald of the Prince of Piemont, 14 Feb. 1435[? or 1434]. [dicto Piemont, heraudo illustris domini nostri principis Pedemontis, Bruchet 1907, p.496.]
Name unknown
Savoia herald of the Duke, at the wedding of the Marquess of Saluzzo, at Paris, 29 Sept. 1435. [Saraceno 1880, p.233.]
Names unknown
heralds, 1436. [heyraulx, trompetes, menestriers, Bruchet 1907, p.508.]
Jean Piémont
herald of Savoie, killed at the port of Constantinople, c. 5 Oct. 1437 [An incomplete list of the Officers of Arms at the Council of Basel]. Piémont is almost certainly his heraldic title.
Name unknown
Savoie herald, 28 May 1439. [Pibiri, Eva, "Entre pâtisseries et prostituées : une ambassade savoyarde à Lyon en 1439", in Revue historique vaudoise, tome 107, 1999, p.49, n.11. (pdf)]
Name unknown
Faulcon pursuivant, c.1439-41: Voyage de Faulcon Persequant [sic], envoyé en Flandre vers le duc de Bourgogne [IS, antérieures à 1790. Côte d'Or, sér B., tome 4, p.31, right col., B. 9645 (Rouleau.)].
Names unknown
heralds of arms in service of Antipope Felix V, 1440. [An incomplete list of the Officers of Arms at the Council of Basel]. (these heralds might be not those of the Antipope but of Basel.)
Names unknown
heralds of arms, 1441, armées tout de blancs portans leurs masses en leurs mains .... [Guichenon, tome 4, 1e partie, p.320.]
Names unknown
heralds of the Duke of Savoy, 1442. [Bourgogne.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, 28 July and 16 Aug. 1443. [Buchon, tome 1, 1838, p.384, p.388 (Memoires d'Olivier de la Marche).]
Name unknown
Savoie herald of arms, July-Sept. 1443. [Presumably Jean de la Chappelle.] [Bourgogne.]
Name unknown
Genève (Geneur) herald of arms, July-Sept. 1443. [Bourgogne.]
Name unknown
Falcon pursuivant, accorded c. Nov. 1445. [Vie and Hablot, Laurent, "Revêtir le prince. Le héraut en tabard, une image idéale du prince", in Revue du Nord, vol.366-367, 2006, pp.755-803, note 46.]
Name unknown
Sauron (? Faucon = Falcon?) pursuivant of arms, Dec. 1445. [Bourgogne.]
Name unknown
Pursuivant, 11 Apr. - 29 Sep. 1446. mit mir ain reyttenden botten, zu fuß ein Bartzefant, des Herzogen von Safoy. [Hausleutner, P., "Sebastian Ilsungs Wallfart nach S. Jago und an andere h. Orte in Spanien, im Jahr 1446.", in Schwäbisches Archiv, 2. Bd., 3. St., 1793, pp.325ff., p.326.
Ilsung also mentioned da kam des kungs herold, bald zu mir, vnnd sagt mir vil von dem heir, ..., p.331 and da fuͤert mich der herold fuͤr den kuͤnig .... vnnd der herold liesz mich den ballast sechen ... / Darnach fuͤert mich der herold fuͤr den kuͤniginn ..., p.334. Then what is the distinction between a "reitende Bote", "Poursuivant", and "Herald"? The first one should be in French "chevaucheur"? The contrast between reitend and zu fuß reminds me Genève's two city heralds.
Apart from this there is one interesting passage: Darnach zoch ich haim, wider gen sant Jacob vnd name da vrlaub vnnd schlug mein wappen auff in die kirchenn ..., p.336. He mentions Wappen several times other than here also.
Ilsung's account can be found (though some obscurity is there) in Stetten, Paul von, Lebensbeschreibungen zur Erweckung und Unterhaltung bürgerlicher Tugend, 2. Sammlung, Augsburg: Conrad Heinrich Stage, 1782, pp.23ff. (Google Books. cf. 1. Sammlung, 1778 (Not numbered as such.)) The relevant texsts are: der Herzog [Ludwig von Savoyen] lisz ihn durch zween Ritter dem Gesandten des Dauphins empfehlen, und gab ihm zu seiner Reise einen reitenden Bothen mit seinen Schilde mit, auch hatte er einen Barzefant oder Bedienten, welcher nebenher zu Fusz laufen muszte, ..., p.34; einem Herold, p.38 and einen Herold, p.41.
For the word Bartzefant, see Schmid, Johann Christoph von, Schwäbisches Wörterbuch, mit etymologischen und historischen Anmerkungen, Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1831, p.44. See also Mörike, Eduard, "Das Stuttgarter Hutzelmännlein" (1878), in Gesammelte Schriften, 2. Band. S. 112-252, n. 150. See also Krieger, Albert (ed.), Regesten der Markgrafen von Baden und Hachberg 1015-1515, vol. 4: 1453-1475, Inssbruck: Wagner'schen, 1915, p.71, nov. 15 (1458). (Internet Archive.) See further also Spener, Philipp Jakob, Insignium Theoria Seu Operis Heraldici Pars Generalis, Frankfurt am Main: Ex Officina Zunneriana, Apud Johannem Adamum Jungium & Giessen: Typis Johannis Mulleri, 1690, 17172, p.2, §. VII., citing Limnäus, Johannes, Ius publicum imperii romano-germanici: Additionum ad priores, Strassbourg: Johann Friedrich Spoor, 1670, Additiones ad Libri sexti, p.88, addition to Num. 121 in Limnäus, Johannes, Ius publicum imperii romano-germanici, tomus secundus, Strassbourg: Paul Lederetz, 1631, Lib VI, Cap. V., p.161. (Google Books.)
The reference to Ilsung's account together with mention to Bote and Herold can be found in Halm, Christian, Europäische Reiseberichte des späten Mittelalters. Eine analytische Bibliographie, Teil 1: Deutsche Reiseberichte, in the series Paravicini, Werner (Hrsg.), Kieler Werkstücke, Reihe D: Beiträge zur europäischen Geschichte des späten Mittelalters, Band 5, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien: Peter Lang, 1994, pp.100ff. (pdf.) See also Ilsung, Sebastian, Reisebericht.
Other pilgrimage instances of heralds (though not Savoyan ones) are: Vielliard, Jeanne, "Pèlerins d'Espagne à la fin du Moyen Âge. Ce que nous apprennent les sauf-conduits délivrés aux pèlerins par la chancellerie des rois d'Aragon entre 1379 et 1422", in Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia, vol.12, 1936, pp.265-300, p.275 (p.11). Jacomet, Humbert, "Notes sur les pèlerinages maritimes à Saint-Jacques de Compostelle (XIVe-XVe siècles). Hypothèses et réalités. [Première partie] 1337-1453. Épisodes de la Guerre de Cent Ans", in Compostelle, ns No.6, 2003, pp. 21-56, p.42. Villeiard's article is listed in the bibliography of Paravicini, Werner, "Le héraut d'armes : ce que nous savons et ce que nous ne savons pas", in Revue du Nord, Nos. 366-367, 2006/3-4, pp.465-490 (Is it really in that Mélanges also?).
See also Contamine, Philippe and Paviot, Jacques, "Nobles français du XVe siècle à Saint-Jacques en Galice. Motivations et modalités du pèlerinage", in Ad limina: revista de investigación del Camino de Santiago y las peregrinaciones, No. 3, 2012, pp.119-132.
See further also Schmeller, Johann Andreas (hrsg.), Des böhmischen Herrn Leo's von Rožmital Ritter-, Hof- und Pilger-Reise durch die Abendlande: 1465-1467, Stuttgart: Literarischer Verein, 1844, p.197. He accompanied a herald who spoke 17 languages. See: Est nobis Heroldus, qui apud omnes Christianos Reges deversatus est, linguas septemedicim callet, eum tibi tradere volumus... [p.28]; Tum Heroldus noster eos complellabat lingua Gallieca, dicens: ... [p.82]. (Compare with Georg Ehingen's herald: Darzuo min gnediger her uns zuo ordnett ain herfarnen herolt, der vil sprachen reden kundt, und vercket [(anonym.), Des schwæbischen Ritters Georg von Ehingen Reisen nach der Ritterschaft, Stuttgart: Literarischer Verein, 1842, p.16 (Google Books)].)
See further also Röhricht, Reinhold, Meisner, Heinrich (eds.), Das Reisebuch der Familie Rieter, Tübingen: Litterarischer Verein, 1884. (Google Books.) There are these mentions: ... so het wir stedisch zween herolt, ... mit uns alda den einen herolt von der hertzogin des königs von Frankreich schwester, ... schickth uns zu seinem vettern des Cont von Vors herolt genandt Roman, ... [p.11]; schickth uns zu ssein obersten herolt Sywilla [Sevilla?] genandt, ... schickth er uns zu gar ein redlichen herolt ... [p.13] Also unsern erben gesellen schlulgen unser wappen auff in dem kore, ... [p.12]; unser wappen auf pirgamen gemalt daruber schlagen lassen [p.13].]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, Aug.? 1450. [Buchon, tome 1, 1838, p.442 (Mémoires d'Olivier de la Marche).]
Name unknown
Piémont herald, 1 Oct. 1450. [Buchon, tome 1, 1838, p.680 (Chronique de J. de Lalain).]
Name unknown
Herald of Arms of Savoie, 1451. [Guichenon, tome 2, p.89. MDSS, tome 32, 1893, p.70 says he is Jehan de la Chapelle. See also Histoire de Bresse et de Bugey, tome 1, 1650, p.79. See also Vaesen, Joseph, Charavay Étienne, Lettres de Louis XI, roi de France, t.1, Paris: Renouard, 1883, LII. 19 août 1451. Dons faits par le dauphin à ceux qui ont accompagné la dauphine Charlotte de Savoie en Dauphiné. — (Orig. Coll. de M. Étienne Charavay.), pp.231ff., p.235. (gallica.)]
Name unknown
Sauoye, Herald, 1451?. [Histoire de Bresse et de Bugey, tome 4, 1650, p.28.]
Name unknown
Savoie herald, 1452. [Vie.]
Name unknown
Piemonte herald, 1452. [PNDC, P-Q, p.89.]
Name unknown
Piemont herald, 1454-5. [... Monsr le daulphin doit avoir de monsr le duc de Savoie, pour ung an de l'assignacion de son mariage commencant à la Toussains 1454 et finissant à la Toussains enssuivant 1455, ... Les descharges et mandemens ... sur icelle somme et année dessusdictes ... à Piemont herault de monsr le duc, 50 esc. ... Chevalier, Ulysse, Choix de documents historiques inédits sur le Dauphiné, Montbeliard: Ch.-M. Hoffmann, Lyon: Aug. Brun, 1874, CV 1451-1455, pp.385ff. pp.389-90. (gallica.)
Names unknown
heralds, c. 30 Apr. 1461. [in mandatis universis et singulis heraudis... Mugnier 1894, p.67, p.205.]
Names unknown
two heralds, 31 Jan. 1465. [MASBAS, 2e sér., tome vi, 1864, p.89.]
Name unknown
Bresze [Bresse], herald of arms of Philip of Savoy (would succeed the duchy as Philip II of Savoy), Sept. 1468. [Greve, Anke et Lebailly, Émilie, Comptes de l'Argentier de Charles le Téméraire. Duc de Bourgogne, vol. 1, Année 1468, in the collection Recueil des Historiens de la France. Documents financièrs et administratifs, tome x, vol.1, L'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 2001, p.339.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, 8 Mar. 1470. [MDSS, tome 17, 1867, p.70.]
Name unknown
Piemont herald, 8 Mar. 1470. [MDSS, tome 17, 1867, p.70.]
Names unknown
heralds of the Duke of Savoy, 1471. [A retrospective mention in the years 1510-20. Les officiers d'armes de René II: Des emblèmes vivants au service de la construction de l'État | History of Heralds (near n. 88.)]
Name unknown
Faulcon [rank not mentioned], 10 Feb. 1471. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.82. (anni m.cccc.lxx is in old style, I suppose.)]
Name unknown
Peymont herald, 5 Apr. 1471. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.111.]
Name unknown
Pinerol herald [Pinerolo in Piemonte; his master not mentioned], 5 Apr. 1472. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.95.]
Name unknown
Pignerol herald of arms [his master not mentioned], 8 Mar. 1474. [IS, antérieures à 1790. Côte d'Or, sér B., tome 4, p.37, left col., B. 9672. (Rouleau.) continued from previous page. Did Villars poursuivant d'armes also serve Yolande?]
Johannus Cohennet
Faulcon herald, 24 Jan. 1475. [Chroniques de Yolande, pp.137-138. Faulcon repeatedly appears toward the end of the fifteenth century, 1517 and 1523-5; and finally Johannus Cohennet again appears in 1525 and last mentioned in 1529. If those are the same person, he has at least 54 years of career. Another and even bigger question is there are other Cohennet-Faulcons (see below). One answer is that those Cohennet-Faulcons are Johannus' sons and Faulcon is adopted like a surname which often happens for heralds. Anyway it seems likely that the office of Falcon shared the same fortune with this Cohennet-Faulcons. I made a short discussion.]
Names unknown
heralds, 10 May 1476. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.302.]
Name unknown
Faulcon pursuivant, 29 June 1476. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.151.]
Name unknown
Pinerol pursuivant or herald [his master not mentioned], 21 and 28 July 1476. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.152 and 150.]
Names unknown
heralds, temp. Philibert II. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.251.]
Names unknown
heralds, c. Aug. - Sept. 1478. [MDSS, tome 27, 1888, 2e partie, pp.190-191. (Note page count rewind to zero in the middle of the book.)]
Names unknown
heralds, Nov. 1481. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.245.]
Name unknown
herald of Duke Charles of Savoy, c. 1482. [Archives municipales de Bourg-en-Bresse. Administration communale 1368 à 1790. Inventaire-Sommaire de la série BB, p.26, BB17 (Registre.)]
Johanne Coenneti
Faulcon, herauldo ducali, 18 Dec. 1482. [SSRQ GE, tome 2, p.68, See p.66 for the date.]
Name unknown
Piemont herald, 26 Feb. 1483. [anonym., "Mémoire historique sur l'élection des évêques de Genève. Seconde partie", in MDG, tome 5, 1847, p.213, p.314. (pdf)]
Name unknown
herald of the Count of Genève, 2 Mar. 1483. [per dominum comitem Gebennensium ... per heraldum per eumdem dominum comitem; The then Count was Janus de Savoie, an illegitimate son of Duke Louis. RCG, tome 3, p.250.]
Name unknown
Piemont herald of the Duke, 18 Mar. 1483. [RCG, tome 3, p.256.]
Name unknown
Nixe [? Nice] herald of the Duke, 1 Oct. 1483. [RCG, tome 3, p.285. In p.284 he was mentioned as Nixe, cavalcator ducalis (28 Sept. 1483). The following probably mentions the same event on 1 Oct: anonym., "Mémoire historique sur l'élection des évêques de Genève. Seconde partie", in MDG, tome 5, 1847, p.228. (pdf)]
Name unknown
Faulcon herald of the Duke of Savoy, 25 May and 1 June 1484. [RCG, tome 3, p.335 and p.337.]
Johannus Beccutus
nyce poursuyvant, 17 Mar 1486. [Mugnier 1894, p.382.]
Johanne Coyenet
faulcon poursuyvant, 17 Mar 1486. [Mugnier 1894, p.382.]
Name unknown
Faulicii [? Faulcon] herald of the Duke, 25 Feb. 1491. [RCG, tome 4, p.342. See also Gautier, vol.1, p.443 (see n.2 for the date). Gallica gives better image.]
? Romont dit Chabod
calvacator, 22 Mar. 1491. [Romont dictus Chabod, calvacator scutifferie ducalis dominacionis; RCG, tome 4, p.357.]
Name unknown
herald, 2-9 Apr. 1491. [Galiffe, Matériaux, tome 1, p.352.]
Names unknown
heraldis et calvacatoribus, c. 25 Nov. 1491. [Chroniques de Yolande, p.251.]
Name unknown
herald of the bishop of Genève, 14 Nov. 1494. The then bishop was Antoine Champion who had been Grand Chancellor of Savoy in 1483. [RCG, tome 5, p.229.]
Names unknown
heralds, c. 1496-7. [AST, 11-1]
? Romont
ducal herald, Aug. 1496. [PNDC, R, p.148.]
Name unknown
Rivolles (? Rivoli in the Province of Turin) herald, 9 Sept. 1496. [RCG, tome 5, p.334.]
Name unknown
herald, 9 Mar. 1498. [RCG, tome 5, p.440.]
Name unknown
Rivoles [sic] herald, 13 Mar. 1498. [RCG, tome 5, p.440.]
Name unknown
herald of the Bastard of Savoy [René of Savoy?], 11 Oct. 1498. [RCG, tome 5, p.479.]
? Romont alias Chabodi
herald, 12 Jan. 1499. [RCG, tome 5, p.499. Romont alias Chabodi also appears in p.498.]
Name unknown
herald, c. Aug. 1500. [Hisely, Jean Joseph, Histoire du comté de Gruyère, (MDR, tome 11, Lausanne: Georges Bridel, 1857), p.182. (Google Books.)]
? Romont
calvacator ducalis, 23 Aug. 1502. [RCG, tome 6, p.72.]
Name unknown
Riuolles herald, 13 Nov. 1503. [Quinsonas, tome 3, p.70.]
Name unknown
Nyce (? Nice) herald, 13 Nov. 1503. [Quinsonas, tome 3, p.70.]
Jean Prouanne
Savoye herald (? rank ambiguous), 20 Sept. 1504. [Quinsonas, tome 3, p.93. This Jean (de) Provanna appears several times; see below. If those occurrence refer the same person, what is most perplexing is that Bonivard first called him Savoy, and then Chablais. There are several possibilities: Chablais held more prestigious status; Savoy simply meant that he was a ducal herald; there were two persons: possibly father and son or brothers (note that we are not informed the Chablais Provanna's given name). May be Bonivard's error? Compare 18 Aug. 1512 and 1 Apr. 1519.]
Names unknown
heralds of the Duke of Savoy, 10(11) Apr. 1508. [RCG, tome 7, p.14.]
Name unknown
Faucon, 19 Apr. and 26 Aug. 1510. [Galiffe, Matériaux, tome 2, pp.8-9 and pp.6-7. He was just mentioned as Faucon. Seems to be at least a messenger. It should also be pointed out that he then must have been in Rome and in other Faulcon occurrences he was always in Genevois and Romandie.]
Johannes de Provanis
herald of the Duke of Savoy, 14 Nov. 1511. [Called noble, and was son of Ansermodus de Crusilia; RCG, tome 7, p.227 and Covelle, Alfred-Lucien, Le livre des Bourgeois de l'ancienne République de Genève, Genève: J. Jullien, 1897 (2e partie), p.173.]
? Prouanecq
Savoie king of arms or herald, 18 Aug. 1512. extraict de gentilizhommes de Prouane en Piemont, mais il se tenoit à Crusille. [Bonivard, vol.1, p.345.]
Johannes de Provana
king of arms, 3 Oct. 1512. [Iohanne de Provana regi armorum Soffietti 1969, p.4, l.5.]
Name unknown
herald, 12 Sept. 1515. [EA, 3. 2. [T.2], p.914.]
Name unknown
Faulcon king of arms, 1517. [Bonivard, vol.2, p.92.]
Name unknown
poursuivant d'armes?, 23 and 26 Jun. 1517. [PNDC, C1, p.215.]
Johannes Provannaz
herald of arms of Duke Charles of Savoy, 11 Nov. 1517. [Again called noble; MDR, tome xxxvi, 1882, pp.11-12.]
Jean de Provanis
Savoye herald of arms to Duke Charles of Savoy, 5 Dec. 1517. [anonym., "Le contentieux de Marignan et la chevauchée de 1517", in: Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte, Band 50, 1956, pp.122-136, p.132, n.1. Naef, Henri, "Claude d'Estavayer évêque de Belley confident de Charles II duc de Savoie", in: Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte, Band 51, 1957, pp.199-221, p.200.]
Name unknown
ducal herald (heyraldum suum), 12 Dec. 1517. [Rivoire, Émile et Berchem, Victor van, Les sources du droit du Canton de Genève, tome 2, 1461-1550, Arau: H. R. Sauerländer, 1930, p.208.]
Jean Cohennet
Faulcon, 1518. [Not explicitly mentioned as herald. Called Noble (N.) and most likely he was in Ternier. ADS IR., 178, p.545, Comptes des subsides, Inv. 58, SA 12227.]
Name unknown
Savoye king of arms, 3 Jan. 1518. [D., F., "Quelques lettres de noblesse accordées par les ducs de Savoie", in AHS, 1915, No.1, pp.15ff., pp.19-21.]
Name unknown
Sauoye king of arms or herald, 25 Apr. 1518.
Gioanni do Tornai / Jean de Tournay / de Tornes / de Tournes
Bonnes Nouvelles King of Arms of the Order of Savoy, accorded 11 Sept. 1518 [Raccolta. Why did the Duke choose him, and not Provanna and possibly Cohennet who must have had substantial career as herald.]
Other mentions are: Bonnes Nouvelles king of arms or herald, 28 Jan. 1521. [Guichenon, tome 4, 2e partie, pp.651ff. See also Gacon, Pierre-François, Histoire de Bresse et du Bugey, à laquelle on a réuni celle du pays de Gex, du Franc-Lyonnais et de la Dombe, 1835, pp.358ff.] Jean de Torunay, alias Bonnes Nouvelles, héraut de l'ordre de l'Annonciade, mentioned 16 May 1522 [Bulletin d'histoire ecclésiastique et d'archéologie religieuse des diocèses de Valence, Gap, Grenoble et Viviers, vol.15, 1895, p.42.]. Johannes de Tornay, ducalis nuncius dictus Bonnes Nouvelle [sic], 19 Mar. 1523. [RCG, tome 9, p.268]. noble Jean de Tournay dit Bonnes [sic], hérault d'armes du duc de Savoie, Sept. - Oct. 1526. [Prudhomme, A., Inventaire-sommaire des archives départementales antérieures à 1790. Isère. Archives civiles, série B (suite), t. 3, Grenoble: Allier frères, 1899, p.25, right col. B. 3436. (Carton.) (Internet Archive.)] See also "Jean de Tomes, dit Bonnes-Nouvelles, héraut d'armes de l'ordre de l'Annonciade, 1527. (Communication de M. Mugnier.)", in MDSS, vol.35, 1896, pp.xxxviii ff. (Internet Archive.) Gio. de Tornay detto Bonnes-nouvelles, Oct. 1529 [PNDC, SAVOIA, p.51. He was dead by 1539 [Brero 2018, p.115]. There is one Jean de Tournay, pasteur à Payerne, c. 26 Sept. 1535. Who was he? [RCG, tome 13, p.320, note 3 and Correspondance, tome 3, p.354, note 11]. Not sure but most likely to be the Jean de Tournay pasteur à Aigle ... encore pasteur à Chinon [Aubert, Hippolyte, Dufour, Alain, Meylan, Henri, Aube, Fernand, Correspondance de Théodore Bèze, tome II, 1556-1558, Genève: Droz, 1962, p.26, n.13. (Google Books)].
Gioanni Provana
ducal herald, 1519. [Archivio di Stato di Torino: Sezione Corte | Scritture della città e contado di Nizza in Paesi [Inventario n. 29] | Porto di Villafranca | Mazzo 1 | Fascicolo 4.]
Name unknown
ducal herald, c.1519. [Galiffe, Matériaux, tome 2, p.241.]
? Provana / Prouane
Chablais king of arms or herald of arms, 1 Apr. 1519. [Gautier, vol.2, p.134; Bonivard, vol.2, p.167. Spon and Le citadin de Geneve, pp.91-92 says the Duke stayed at Saint-Julien and RCG, t8, p.307 n3 continued from previous page (a retrospective mention as of 1526-7) mentions Faulcons' house, it is most certain the herald was actually Jean Faulcon. See Some thoughts regarding Cohennet-Faulcon.]
Jean de Probane / Provanis
king of arms or herald of arms of the Duke of Savoy, c. 17 Oct. 1519. [ARCHIVIO DI CORTE/PAESI, p.171, Copie. MAZZO 5 FASCICOLO 3 ADAM; p.235, MAZZO 1 FASCICOLO 4 ADAM. Presumably identical with the Provana above.]
Gio(vanni?) di Colombier
herald, 1520s. [PNDC, V-W, p.214. Presumably identical with the Jean de Collombieres who appeared c. 19 Mar. 1534.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald of arms, 3 Dec. 1520. [RCG, tome 9, p.31 and n.1 of the same page.]
Name unknown
king of arms of the Duke of Savoie, 1521. [Quinsonas, tome 2, pp.66ff.]
Name unknown
Savoie king of arms, 28 Jan. 1521 [Guichenon, tome 4, 2e partie, pp.651ff., p.653.]
Name unknown
Chablais herald, 28 Jan. 1521 [Guichenon, tome 4, 2e partie, pp.651ff., p.654.]
Name unknown
Genève herald, 28 Jan. 1521 [Guichenon, tome 4, 2e partie, pp.651ff., p.654.]
Jean de Proumis
herald, 12 Aug. 1521 [His master not mentioned]. [ARCHIVIO DI CORTE/PAESI, p.174, MAZZO 6 FASCICOLO 13 ADAM. Identical with the Provana?]
Johannus Provane
ducal herald, 15 Jan., 18 Sept., 9(8) and 11 Nov. 1522. [RCG, tome 9, pp.36-37, p.214, p.227.]
Name unknown
Savoye / Savoy King of arms 10 May 1522. He blazoned the arms conceded to Jean, Michel and Claude Fiwa, brothers in a letters of nobility and arms for them issued by Duke Charles III. [Amman 1919-1924, AHS, vol.34, 1920, pp.32-33. Mathieu, 1946, p.64. For Fiwa (Fiwaz), see Fivaz, de Fribourg.]
Name unknown
herald, 24 Oct. 1522. [Imesch, Dionys, Die Walliser Landrats-Abschiede seit dem Jahre 1500, Band 2 (1520-1529), 1949, p.119. (pdf)]
Name unknown
Piemont herald, at the baptize ceremony of Adrien of Savoy, 14 Dec. 1522. [Dufour, Auguste, "Adrianeo: récit des cérémonies, tournois et autres réjouissances qui ont eu lieu à Ivrée à l'occasion du baptême du prince Adrien de Savoie (1522)", in MDSS, tome 9, 1865, pp.249-437, p.272.]
Name unknown
Savoye herald, at the baptize ceremony of Adrien of Savoy, 14 Dec. 1522. [Dufour, Auguste, "Adrianeo: récit des cérémonies, tournois et autres réjouissances qui ont eu lieu à Ivrée à l'occasion du baptême du prince Adrien de Savoie (1522)", in MDSS, tome 9, 1865, pp.249-437, p.272.]
Name unknown
Bonnes-Nouvelles herald, at the baptize ceremony of Adrien of Savoy, 14 Dec. 1522. [Dufour, Auguste, "Adrianeo: récit des cérémonies, tournois et autres réjouissances qui ont eu lieu à Ivrée à l'occasion du baptême du prince Adrien de Savoie (1522)", in MDSS, tome 9, 1865, pp.249-437, p.272. Presumably Jean de Tournay.]
Jean Coennet
1523-1524. [Not explicitly mentioned as herald, even not title-like appellation. Called Noble (N.) and most likely he was in Ternier. ADS IR., 178, p.545, Comptes des subsides, Inv. 58, SA 12228.]
Name unknown
Faulcon herald, 1523. [Distributed annual payment to Osvaldo Dos di Zug and Giovanni Martin di Lucerna. Mentioned also in AST, 119 as Quittances des paiements faits par le Heraud Faulcon au nom du duc.]
Name unknown
Faulcon herald, 5 Sept. 1523 [Distributed annual payment to Giacomo di Hertenstein e suo figlio Leodegario]; 5 Nov. 1523 [to Giovanni Gössy di Lucerna, Giovanni Feer gonfaloniere di Lucerna]; 23 Nov. 1523 [to Giacomo de la Pierre (von Stein)]; 27 Nov. 1523 [to Giovanni Eisenschmid gonfaloniere di Berna, Antonio Noll]; 28 Nov. 1523 [to Sebastiano de la Pierre (von Stein), Baldassarre Finsternouw di Berna, Giovanni von Weingartner gonfaloniere di Berna, Antonio Spielmann gonfaloniere di Berna, Giovanni Noll di Berna, Antonio Noll di Berna, Gaspare von Mülinen consigliere di Berna, Nicola Schaller segretario di Berna, Giovanni Kotler gonfaloniere di Berna, Adriano Esslinger di Berna, Adriano de la Pierre (von Stein)]; 29 Nov. 1523 [to Meinrad Steinbach, canonico di Berna, Bernardo Ballestrer di Berna, Corrado Willending gonfaloniere di Berna, Giacomo di Wattenwill avvocato di Berna, Francesco Ballestrer di Berna, Bartolomeo Mey signore di Metlingen, Giovanni Keiser, Marta Ballestrer nata Kochly, in assenza del marito Francesco Ballestrer, Ludovico di Diesbach]; 30 Nov. 1523 [to Leonardo Hupschy tesoriere di Berna, Claudio Mey di Berna, Volfango Mey di Berna, Antonio di Erlach e Luisa di Hertenstein sua moglie]; 5 Dec. 1523 [to Giovanni Pfiffer consigliere di Lucerna, Leodegario Katzhoffer consigliere e tesoriere di Lucerna, Pietro Zukess avvocato di Lucerna, Enrico di Alikon segretario di Lucerna, Giacomo Amort consigliere di Lucern, Pietro Tamann avvocato di Lucerna, Giacomo Feer consigliere di Lucerna, Werner von Meggen di Lucerna, Corrado Klauser consigliere di Lucerna, Enrico Kloss consigliere di Lucerna, L'avvocato e i consiglieri della comuniä di Lucerna]; 6 Dec. 1523 [to Giacomo Amort consigliere di Lucerna]; 7 Dec. 1523 [to Nicola Wirtz di Unterwalden, Arnaldo Früntz di Unterwalden, Pietro Wirtz, "Amman" di Unterwalden, Gerolamo Stocker di Zug]; 8 Dec. 1523 [to Il "Landamman" e il consiglio della comunità di Zug, Giacomo Troger, "Amman" di Unterwalden, Enrico di Alikon segretario di Lucerna, Giovanni Hug consigliere di Lucerna]; 10 Dec. 1523 [to Pietro Hebolt sculdascio di Solothurn]; 12 Dec. 1523 [to Giovanni von Roll di Solothurn, Giorgio Hertwig segretario di Solothurn, Nicola Ochenbein tesoriere di Solothurn, Gli sculdasci e i consoli della comunità di Solothurn]; 13 Dec. 1523 [to Pietro Hebolt avvocato di Solothurn, Giovanni Stolly avvocato di Solothur]; 16 Dec. 1523 [to Giovanni Rodolfo Heczel von Linnach]; 17 Dec. 1523 [to Giovanni Schleiff di Berna]; 18 Dec. 1523 [to Leonardo Willending di Berna, Sebastiano di Diesbach]; 19 Dec. 1523 [to Sebastiano di Diesbach consigliere di Berna]; 27 Dec. 1523 [to Giovanni Bischoffs].
Name unknown
Faulcon herald, 3 Jan. 1524. [Distributed annual payment to Gli sculdasci e i consoli della comunità di Berna, Nicola Schaller segretario di Berna]; 4 Jan. 1524. [to Giovanni Rodolfo Nägely di Berna, Ulman Vogt consigliere di Friburgo]; 18 Feb. 1524. [Inventries of the receipt of annual payments distributed by Faulcon herald.]
Name unknown
Faulcon herald, 15 and 23 Jan. 1525. [Ducal order to the treasurer concerning distributed annual payments by Faulcon herald to the people of Bern, Lucerne, Fribourg, Solothurn, Uri, Zug, Schwyz, Unterwalden, another ducal order on the same matter. Thus retrospective mentions].
Johannus Cohennet
Faulcon, 12 Sept. 1525. [Not explicitly mentioned as a herald. Called noble and excellent. Seems to be one of Duke's party as the two Cohennet are mentioned in between sire Franciscus Barralis, judices Gaii (Gex; see Index p.661, Gaium, Gayum) and Claudius Servandi, châtelain of Gaillard. RCG, tome 10, p.105.]
Aymonus Cohennet
Faulcon, 12 Sept. 1525. [Not explicitly mentioned as a herald. Called noble and excellent. RCG, tome 10, p.105.]
Name unknown
Faulcon, 30 Jan. 1526. [Not explicitly mentioned as a herald. RCG, tome 10, p.589.]
Name unknown
Faulcon, herault de Mons.r le duc, c. 30 Nov. 1526. [Balard, p.82. See previous page for the date.]
Name unknown
Faulcon, herald of the Duke, 3 Dec. 1526. [RCG, tome 10, p.279.]
Amé/Amedeo Coynet/Coynett
detto Faucon araldo del Duca (Charles III), 1527. [The third Cohennet (Coynett)! PNDC, C2, p.437 and G, p.172; Barbeo 2002, p.26.]
Name unknown
Savoye King of arms, 17 Sept. 1527. [Amman 1919-1924, vol.34, 1920, pp.34-36.]
Name unknown
herald of the Duke, 29 Oct. 1527. [RCG, tome 10, p.492.]
Name unknown
Faucon herald, 5 Nov. 1527. [RCG, tome 10, p.496.]
Name unknown
Fauconz, 2 Feb. 1528. [Not explicitly mentioned as a herald. Was a portitori to a missive sent by Duke of Savoy. RCG, tome 10, p.556.]
Name unknown
Faulcon herald, Aug 1528. [Naef 1968, pp.162-3.]
Name unknown
Bonnes Nouvelles Herald of arms of the Order of Annunciation, at the baptize ceremony of Emmanuel Philibert, 19 Oct. 1528. [Guichenon, tome 2, pp.232ff. Presumably Jean de Tournay.]
Name unknown
Piémont herald, at the baptize ceremony of Emmanuel Philibert, 19 Oct. 1528. [Guichenon, tome 2, pp.232ff. See also Hist. d'Emmanuel Philibert, p.4.]
Name unknown
Chablais herald, at the baptize ceremony of Emmanuel Philibert, 19 Oct. 1528. [Guichenon, tome 2, pp.232ff, See also Hist. d'Emmanuel Philibert, p.4.]
Name unknown
Faulcon king of arms or Faucon herald, 24 Nov. 1528. [Bonivard, vol.2, p.367 and RCG, tome 11, p.161.]
Johannus Cohenneti
Faulcon, 2 Jan. 1529. [he is just mentioned as Faulcon, and not explicitly mentioned as a herald. Called noble. RCG, tome 11, p.595. The testimony witnesses what happened on 2 Jan.]
Name unknown
Chablex (Chablais) herald, 2 and 7? Jan. 1529 [mentioned with his brother in the latter page (not certain the brother also was a herald). RCG, tome 11, p.586 and pp.589-590. The letter being dated 8 Jan but the writer met Chablex before that day.]
Name unknown
Faulcon, 7? Jan 1529 [RCG, tome 11, p.589. Not explicitly mentioned as herald. The letter being dated 8 Jan but the writer stayed at Faulcon's house (only the house mentioned) before that day.]
Name unknown
Faulcon, 16 Jan. 1529. [RCG, tome 11, p.601. Not explicitly mentioned as herald.]
Name unknown
messagier Faulcon, roys des menteurs, 18 Jan. 1529. [RCG, tome 11, p.185 n.2. Faulcon in p.589 refers to the same event?]
19 Dec. 1529. Not sure if he was any of our Faulcon. [A esté ordonnee la descharge de la somme de XIc II V sur Fauczon, qui ont esté deslivréz a Faulcon pour les porter a Piochet. Soffietti 1969, p.173, ll.18-9.]
Name(s) unknown
king(s) of arms and/or herald(s) of the Duke of Savoy with those of the Emperor and of King of England and of King of France, 24 Feb. 1530. [Hist. d'Emmanuel Philibert, p.94. In another chronicle, there were Emperor's (or of Rome?) and Savoyan heralds only mentioned: Giengen vor im sine edellüt, Spanier, Tütsch, Niderlaͤnder, mer Walhen, 4 herolt, 2 von Rom, 2 von Saffoy. Bernoulli, August, (ed.), Basler Chroniken, 6. Band, Leipzig: S. Hirtzel, 1902, p.182. (The narrative of the Coronation starts at p.180.) (Internet Archive.) Again there is this narrative also: ... chevauchoient en ordre les roys héraulx et poursuyvans d'armes tant de l'Empereur, du Roy de France, du duc de Savoye et d'aultres, leurs cottes d'armes revestuz, et le roy d'armes de Bourgoingne chevauchoit... (De Boom 1936, p.101).]
Name unknown
bones nouuelles herald, c. 28 Oct. 1530. [Around 1530 seems to be the last occasion any Savoyan herald went abroad. In 1536 the duchy collapsed and after 1559 the heralds' offices restored however in a different manner.]
Name unknown
Faulcon, c. 8 Mar. 1532. [RCG, tome 12, p.586. l'ayrauld in l.14 meant him?]
Name unknown
Bonnes-nouvelles herald, 1534. [PNDC, C2, p.324.]
Jean de Lornai (sic, almost certainly Tornai = Tournai; or Lornay in Haut-Savoie?)
Bonnes Nouvelles King of arms of the Order of the Annunciation, c. 19 Mar. 1534, at the pompes funèbres of Philip of Savoy, Duke of Nemours, son of Philip II, Duke of Savoy. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.192 see previous page for the date. See also Brero 2018, p.118.]
Jean Faucon
Chablays herald of arms, c. 19 Mar. 1534, at the pompes funèbres of Philip of Savoy, Duke of Nemours, son of Philip II, Duke of Savoy. [See Brero 2018, p.118, n.37 for personal detail. See also Guichenon, tome 3, p.192.]
Jean de Collombieres
Piedmont herald of arms, c. 19 Mar. 1534, at the pompes funèbres of Philip of Savoy, Duke of Nemours, son of Philip II, Duke of Savoy. [See Brero 2018, p.118, n.37 for personal detail. See also Guichenon, tome 3, p.192.]
Name unknown
Faulcon, 22 Oct. 1534. [RCG, tome 13, p.84 n.1.]
Iean Faulcon
herald of the Duke, c. 30 Aug. 1535. [Levin, pp.212-215. (Internet Archive. Originally published in 1611.) See also Fodéré 1619, livre 2, p.138 and Jacquet 1978, p.105. Faulcon was almost certainly his heraldic title; Was Faulcon his heraldic title? Or was he Chablais herald? Called sieur and mentioned together with his brother Monseiur le Chastelain. Was sent from Turin to St-Julien.]
Jean de Colomberio
king of arms of the duke of Savoie, 9 Sept. 1535 [... noble Jean de Colomberio, roi d'armes du duc de Savoie, ..., CH AEV, de Torrenté-de Riedmatten, Pg 95 Partage de biens entre Pierre, fils de feu Pierre Nyvet alias Barbelyn de Vionnaz, d'une part, Claude, fils de Jean, fils dudit feu Pierre Nyvet alias Barbelyn, de deuxième part, et Jacques et Michel, ses neveux, fils de Jean frère dudit Claude, de troisièm].
Jean Faucon
1 Dec. 1535. [RCG, tome 13 p.369, n.2. See p.370 also. Not explicitly mentioned as herald.]
— Faulcon
Herald of the Duke, Apr. 1536. Uff dero gütter, so noch nitt gehuldett, hand slachen : Faulcons gü gutter... [Vasella 1935, vol.30, p.105; n.6 says Jean Faucon, herzoglicher Herold most likely based on Gillard 1934 (see below).] Other mentions to any Faulcon are: Feb 1536. Ayme Vincent, der Faulcon diener, gleitt gen [Vasella 1935, vol.29, p.272.] Faulcon von Sant Juliin ist uffgenomen, hatt den eyd gethan und ist jme IIc kronen an golld zu ransson uffgleit, den halben theil uff künffttig Johannis, den andren halben theil uff Michaelis zu bezalen. [Vasella 1935, vol.30, p.308. See Gillard 1934, p.189 where the author says, Faucon de St-Julien was obliged to pay 300 écus but only half (150) was acutually paid and the other half was remit. Also in n114 the author says Jean Faucon was herald of the duke, citing RCG, tome 11 and Levin. The difference of the amount of ransom between German text and French text is because of currency conversion?]
Seigneur Faulcon
17 Jun. 1536. [RCG à l'époque de Calvin, t.1, p.38 and p.305, Annexe 20. Not explicitly mentioned as herald. The editor says he was Jean Faulcon, châtelain de Ternier.]
Jo. Faulcon
20 Jun. 1536. [RCG à l'époque de Calvin, t.1, p.40. See previos page for the date. Not explicitly mentioned as herald.]
— Coennet
24 Nov. 1536. [RCG à l'époque de Calvin, t.1, p.220. See previos page for the date. Not explicitly mentioned as herald. From the index Coennet (Coennet) - voir Faucon and Faulcon (de), Cohennet, dit Chablais ou Chablex (de), Johannes, châtelain de Ternier, it is clear the editor thinks this is Faulcon (the herald for us).]
Gaspard Masier/Mazier/Masery/Maserii
herald of arms [of Savoy], 1559.
Painter. D. after 1565. [D&R, p.124.] His appointment is following or in anticipation of the peace of Cateau-Cambrésis, 3 Apr. 1559: Rabut, François, "Obituaire des frères mineurs conventuels de Chambéri de l'ordre de S. François", in MDSS, tome 6, 1862, pp.3ff., p.70. He did the same at Bourg-en-Bress (the event is mentioned in Archives municipales de Bourg-en-Bresse. Administration communale 1368 à 1790. Inventaire-Sommaire de la série BB, p.47, BB37 (Registre.)). Testament de Gaspard Masier, héraut d'armes et syndic, Chambéry, 1566 is mentioned in SOUS-SERIE 1 J (inventry of Archives départementales de Savoie?). There is an obscure mention to one Nicolas Masery, herald of arms of Chambéry and painter, c. 1547 [If he was really a herald, who was his master?]; see also this. Mentioned in MASBAS, 2e sér., tome vi, 1864, p.240. Savoye Masier, hérault, who was the possessor of « Ordonnances, statuz, privillièges, droictz et franchises, que tous temps et d'ancienneté ont acoustumé d'avoir les roys, mareschaux, héraulx et poursuyvans d'armes, » par « Thomas Ysaacq Thoyson d'Or, conseillier de l'Empereur et roy d'armes de la Toyson » was probably identical with this Gaspard Masier. Despite his status French royal court commissioned him several works between 1560-1 to 1566. See the payments in Laborde, Léon, La renaissance des arts à la cour de France ; études sur le seizième siècle, Paris: L. Potier, 1850, p.489, p.492, p.493, p.499, pp.517-518. (Internet Archive.) The same accounts can be found in Laborde, Léon, Les comptes des bâtiments du roi (1528-1571) suivis de documents inédits sur les châteaux royaux et les beaux-arts au 16e siècle, recueillis et mis en ordre, vol.2, Paris: J. Baur, 1880, p.48 (same as p.489 of his previous work, 1850), p.51 (same as p.492 and 493), p.67 (same as p.499), p.129 (same as p.517). (Internet Archive. Here is the first volume, 1877). Was the Gaspard Masier who appears in Perpéchon, F. et Biver, A., "Inventaire sommaire des Archives hospitalières de la ville de Chambéry", Ire partie, in MDSS, tome 62, 1925, pp.1ff., p.52 identical with this Gaspard Masier? This is his self-portrait.
Name unknown
Herald of Sauoye, at the proclamation of the Peace of le Cateau-Cambresis, together with Herald of France and that of Spain, 16 Apr. 1559: ... par trois Heraulds, assavoir de Frãce, d'Espaigne, & de Sauoye... [Paradin, Guillaume, Memoires de l'histoire de Lyon : auec vne table des choses memorables ..., Lyon: Antoine Gryphius, 1573, Grands feuz de-Ioye à Lyon, en tesmoignage de publique rejoissance, pour raison de la paix entre lex roys Chrestiens, en l'an 1559. Chap. XXXI., p.358. (The page number has a typo.) (Google Books.) Why at Lyon? Also this is one of the last occasions heralds from various countries met together for one specific event].
Names unknown
kings of arms and heralds, mentioned in a Privilegio, 12 May 1559. [fecialibus, quos reges armorum et heraldos nunc vocant, Angius, Vittorio, Sulle famiglie nobili della monarchia di Savoia, Torino: Fontana e Isnardi, vol. 3, 1841, p.106 note continued from the previous page; not necessarily means there was any incumbent.]
Name unknown
herald of arms, in an expenditure account for the year 1562. [He was counted among the extraordinary officers of the household; Ricotti, vol.2, p.487.]
Names unknown
heralds of arms, at the baptize ceremony of Charles Emmanuel, 3 or 9 Mar. 1567. [Agostino, Bucci, Il battesimo del serenissimo prencipe di Piemonte, p.13 and Storia di Torino, vol.3, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1998, p.239.]
Name unknown
herald of the Duke, 1567-8. [Archives municipales de Bourg-en-Bresse. Finances, Impôts, Comptabilité 1318 à 1789. Inventaire-Sommaire de la série CC, p.26, CC53 (Liasse.)]
Alexandre Labiche
herald of arms in Savoy [en Sauoye], accorded 3 May 1568. Painter. D. before 1666 (see Jean-Charles Labiche below; YES, no one would live after 98 years...). [D&R, p.183, p.185. In p.183 and p.184, the author states the date of appointment 1568, and he succeeded Gaspard Masier. If it is true, when did Alexandre die? 1666 is impossible. Long vacancy, or were there two Alxandre?] There is also this mention: n. Alexandre La Biche, héraut d'armes de S. A., ... 18 June 1567. [ADS IR., IR. 703, p. 221 (of the pdf).]
— La Biche
herald of arms, c. June 1568. [Truffer, Bernhard, Die Walliser Landrats-Abschiede seit dem Jahre 1500, Band 5 (1565-1575), 1980, p.71, p.79. (pdf) Was he Alexandre?]
Riccardetto Scaffa
king of arms or herald of arms of the Order of the Annunciation*, accorded 14 Aug. 1568. [Raccolta.]
He blazoned at least one arms; see Consegnamenti, p.187 [the given dates seem be the date of pirivilegio and not the date on which Scaffa blazoned].
See also Gorris Camos, Rosanna, “"Entro nella biblioteca dei duchi": présences de Gabriele Simeoni à la Cour des Savoie, exemplaires et dédicaces”, in D'Amico, Silvia et Magnien-Simonin, Catherine, Gabriele Simeoni (1509-1570?). Un Florentin en France entre princes et libraires, Genève: Droz, 2016, pp.385ff., pp.402-403.
Vincenzo Belmont or Boemont
Herald King of arms, nomminated c. 1581. [Raccolta.]
Bartolommeo Cristini
king of arms (or herald of arms) of the Order of the Annunciation*, accorded 13 Dec. 1582. [Raccolta and biographies, see below.]
B. Nice 28 May 1547. D. Turin c. 1605 [His successor Brambilla's appointment was in 1603; Did Cristini resign in that year? A Pivilegio of Nobility dated 20 Apr. 1605 shows arms blazoned by the King of Arms Brambilla; Cristini must have resigned or died on that date]. Librarian at the ducal court from c. 1569. See his entry in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Volume 31, 1985 and Toselli, Jean Baptiste, Biographie Niçoise ancienne et moderne, tome 1, Nice, 1860, pp.229ff. There is a biography by Giuseppe Vernazza (as far as I searched, no online edition available). There is a brief biography in Andlauer, Christiane, Histoire de la vénération au sanctuaire d'Utelle, Lulu.com, 2011, p.190. (Google Books.)
He blazoned several arms; see Consegnamenti, p.89, p.101, p.103, p.105, p.113, p.117, p.135, p.139, p.145, p.151, p.153, p.171, p.185, p.189, p.193, p.199, p.203, p.219, p.225, 233, p.255 [the given dates seem be the date of pirivilegio and not the date on which Cristini blazoned].
Names unknown
Two Heralds, 10 Aug. 1585, at the entry of Infanta Caterina d'Austria in Turin. [Angelucci, Angelo, "Relazione dell'ingresso della Infanta Caterina d'Austria in Torino nel x giorno di agosto MDLXXXV", in Miscellanea di storia italiana, vol.15, 1874, pp.473ff., p.488, note and documents no.11. (Google Books.) There is a mention D. Franciscus araldus Magnifice Dominationis Florentine, p.491.]
Name unknown
Herald of the Duchy of Chablais, at the baptize ceremony of Filippo Emanuele (the first son of Charles Emmanuel) and Vittorio Amedeo (the second son), 8-12 May 1587. [Battesimo, Filippo-Emanuele, p.29; see also Storia di Torino, vol.3, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1998, p.684.]
Name unknown
Herald of the Duchy of Agosta, at the baptize ceremony of Filippo Emanuele (the first son of Charles Emmanuel) and Vittorio Amedeo (the second son), 8-12 May 1587. [Battesimo, Filippo-Emanuele, p.29; see also Storia di Torino, vol.3, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1998, p.684.]
Name unknown
Herald of the Duchy of Sauoia, at the baptize ceremony of Filippo Emanuele (the first son of Charles Emmanuel) and Vittorio Amedeo (the second son), 8-12 May 1587. [Battesimo, Filippo-Emanuele, p.29; see also Storia di Torino, vol.3, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1998, p.684.]
Name unknown
Herald of the Principality of Piemonte, at the baptize ceremony of Filippo Emanuele (the first son of Charles Emmanuel) and Vittorio Amedeo (the second son), 8-12 May 1587. [Battesimo, Filippo-Emanuele, p.29; see also Storia di Torino, vol.3, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1998, p.684.]
Name unknown
Herald of uncertain title, at the baptize ceremony of Filippo Emanuele (the first son of Charles Emmanuel) and Vittorio Amedeo (the second son), 8-12 May 1587. [Battesimo, Filippo-Emanuele, p.29; see also Storia di Torino, vol.3, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1998, p.684.]
Name unknown
Herald of the order of the Annunciation, at the baptize ceremony of Filippo Emanuele (the first son of Charles Emmanuel) and Vittorio Amedeo (the second son), 8-12 May 1587. [Battesimo, Filippo-Emanuele, p.29; see also Storia di Torino, vol.3, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1998, p.684.]
Name unknown
Herald or King of arms of the Duchy of Chablais, 18 Nov. 1590. [Hist. et Chron. de Provence, 8me partie de l'histoire et chronique de Provence, pp.875ff., p.893 near note C; See p.891 for the year (at the top of the column for notes,there is MDXC. Haitze 1880-1892, tome 3, p.210; Ricotti, vol.3, 1865, p.123.]
Name unknown
Herald or King of arms of the Duchy of Aouste, 18 Nov. 1590. [Hist. et Chron. de Provence, p.893 near note C. Haitze 1880-1892, tome 3, p.210; Ricotti, vol.3, 1865, p.123.]
Name unknown
Herald or King of arms of the Duchy of Piedmont, 18 Nov. 1590. [Hist. et Chron. de Provence, p.893 near note C. Haitze 1880-1892, tome 3, p.210; Ricotti, vol.3, 1865, p.123.]
Name unknown
Herald or King of arms of the Duchy of Sauoye, 18 Nov. 1590. [Hist. et Chron. de Provence, p.893 near note C. Haitze 1880-1892, tome 3, p.210; Ricotti, vol.3, 1865, p.123.]
Name unknown
Herald or King of arms of the Duchy of Mysne, 18 Nov. 1590. [Hist. et Chron. de Provence, p.893 near note C. Haitze 1880-1892, tome 3, p.210.]
Name unknown
Herald of the Order of the Knights (obviously of the Annunciation, see next line in Hist. et Chron. de Provence), 18 Nov. 1590. [Hist. et Chron. de Provence, p.893 near note C. Haitze 1880-1892, tome 3, p.210.]
Names unknown
Six heralds, 2 Aug. 1598. [MASBAS, 3e sér., tome x, 1884, p.473; see also MDSS, tome 23, 1885, p.xi.]
Jean du Puy Geoffroy
Chablais herald, 3 Mar. 1602. [Baux, Jules, Histoire de la reunion a la France des provinces de Gresse: Bugey et Gex sous Charles-Emmanuel Ier, 1852, pp. cxli ff. In p.450, the author says this is the last Savoyan occasion of sommation by a ducal herald. See also Quinsonas, tome 1, p.243.]
Pompeo Brambilla
king of arms or herald of arms of the Order of the Annunciation*, 1603. [Raccolta.]
Attended the marriage ceremony of Margherita and Isabella, daughters of Charles Emmanuel I, 10 Mar. 1608. [Gordon, Jessica, "'La Sposa Trionfante' Entertainments for Princely Marriages in Turin, Mantua and Florence, 1608", Ph.D diss. Univ. of Warwick, 1991, Part 1, p.99, Part 2, p.47. Manno, Antonio, Zucchi, Mario, Bibliografia storica degli stati della monarchia di Savoia, vol.1, Torino, 1884, p.388, no.5492.]
He blazoned several arms; see Consegnamenti, p.103, p.125, p.151, p.171, p.179, p.185, p.191, p.195, p.201, p.221 [25 Feb. 1614 (p.125), 14 Mar. 1614 (p.151), 6 Mar. 1611 (p.171), 12 June 1607 (p.191) seem to be the dates on which Brambilla blazoned; others uncertain].
Tha fact that he seems to have not attended the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637 (see below) means that he was dead by that year?
Name unknown
herald of the Duke of Nemours [Henri I], at the marriage of Margherita and Isabella, 9 Mar. 1608. [Loreto Pasqualucci, Augusto Bonafaccia, Feste, 1883, p.122. Menestrier, Claude-François, Traité des tournois, joustes, carrousels, et autres spectacles publics, 1669, p.115ff. See also Pompeo Brambilla above.]
Names unknown
Six heralds, at the same marriages as previous entries, together with le Roy d'armes de l'Ordre de l'Annunciade [i.e., Pompeo Brambilla], 10 Mar. 1608. [Le Mercure François ov la svitte de l'histoire de la paix..., Paris; Alexandre de la Dorciere, 1611, p.198. (Google Books.)]
Name unknown
herald in the coat of arms, 3 Jan. 1619 [at the marriage of Victor-Amadeus? the previous page badly scanned...]. [Loreto Pasqualucci, Augusto Bonafaccia, Feste, 1883, p.107. See also Menestrier, Claude-François, Traité des tournois, joustes, carrousels, et autres spectacles publics, 1669, p.130.]
Name unknown
Savoie herald, at the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.40.]
Name unknown
Piémont herald, at the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.40.]
Name unknown
Aoste herald, at the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.40.]
Name unknown
Chablais herald, at the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.40.]
Name unknown
Genevois herald, at the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.40.]
Name unknown
Monferrat herald, at the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.40.]
Name unknown
Cypre herald, at the pompes funèbres of Victor-Amadeus I, 1637. [Guichenon, tome 3, p.40.]
Name unknown
herald, 23 Feb. 1642. [Menestrier, Claude-François, Traité des tournois, joustes, carrousels, et autres spectacles publics, 1669, p.83.]
Names unknown
heralds in the coats of arms of the provinces subject to the Duke, 7 Dec. 1650, at the fest of the marriage of Adelaide [daughter of Victor Amadeus I]. [Loreto Pasqualucci, Augusto Bonafaccia, Feste, 1883, p.46. See also Guichenon, tome 4, 2e partie, p.582.]
Giulio Cesare Riccio da Cuneo
King of Arms and Herald of the Order of the Annunciation, date unknown. [Raccolta.]
Michele Miaglia
king of arms or herald of arms of the Order of the Annunciation*, 1658 to succeed Brambilla(?). [Raccolta and Santi.]
Name unknown
herald of the Order of the Annunciation and other heralds of the provinces, c. Nov. 1659. [Blanc, Thomas, Abbrege De L'Histoire De La Royalle Maison De Savoye, tome 3, 1668, p.383.]
Names unknown
heralds of the provinces and states, at the marriage ceremony of Charles-Emmanuel II, 9 Apr. 1663. [MDSS, tome 39, 1900, p.35.]
Names unknown
twelve heralds, 3 and 4 Mar. 1664, at the funeral ceremony of Christina di Francia and Francesca di Borbone, Charles-Emmanuel II's mother and wife. [Tesauro, Emanuele, conte, Il teatro del dolore: apparato funebre fatto nel duomo di Torino dall'Altezza Reale di Carlo Emanuele II., Torino, 1664, p.46.]
Giovambatista Bosso
King of Arms and Herald of the Order of the Annunciation, accorded 1 Apr. 1666. [Raccolta and Santi.]
Jean-Charles Labiche
herald of arms of the country and Duchy of Savoy [pays et duché de Sauoye], accorded 10 Dec. 1666 to succeed Alexandre, his uncle. [Note that the letters patent only includes the country and Duchy of Savoy and does not mention other domains.]
Painter. D. 1675. [D&R, pp.182ff.]
Names unknown
eighteen heralds, at the funeral of Charles Emmanuel II, June 1675. [Vasco, Giulio and Menestrier, Zavatta, Del funerale celebrato nel Duomo di Torino all' Altezza Reale di Carlo Emanuele II., Torino, 1675, p.102. Storia di Torino, vol.4, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 2002, p.205.]
Louis Berthier
herald of arms, accorded 26 Feb. 1676 (so there were two heralds at the same time?). D. after 1715. [D&R, pp.232ff.]
Claude Labiche
herald of arms of "that side of the mountains" [de la des montz should read delà des monts], accorded 20 December 1675 and 26 Jan. 1677, to succeed his father. Painter. D. after 1690 [D&R, p.191 and pp.227ff.] and before 1696. [Thérèse Joyre, veuve de Claude La Biche, héraut d'armes de S. A. R., bourgeois de Chambéry, ADS IR., IR. 703, p. 207 (of the pdf).] His name mentioned in Saint-Genis, Victor Bénigne Flour de, Histoire de Savoie, tome 2, p.475.
Carlo Santè di Torino
king of arms or herald of arms of the Order of the Annunciation*, accorded 27 Feb. 1677. [Raccolta.]
Giuseppe de Lonai
king of arms or herald of arms of the Order of the Annunciation*, date unknown. [Raccolta.]
Names unknown
heralds, 30 July 1713, to proclaim the peace of Utrecht in Turin. [Storia di Torino, vol.4, Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 2002, p.836.]
Charles Dupuis
Performed the function of herald of arms to declare peace between the King of Spain and Victor-Amadeus II, 5 Aug. 1713. [MDSS, tome 39, 1900, p.110.] Rather a communal herald? [Pérouse, Gabriel, "Les archives de la Savoie", in La Savoie littéraire & scientifique, 13e année, No.1, 1918, pp.261ff., p.271.]
Names unknown
Heralds at the parliament in Palermo, c. Feb. 1714. [Spata, Giuseppe, "I primi atti constituzionali dell'augusta casa di Savoia ordinati in Palermo", in Miscellanea di storia italiana, tomo 10, 1870, pp.605ff., p.645 (Memoria del cerimoniale che dovrà praticarsi per il giorno del parlamento). (Internet Archive.)]
M. Carron
In charge of performing the function of herald, 27 Feb. 1743. [MDSS, tome 39, 1900, p.145.]
Claudio Michelle de Roquefeuille
King of Arms and Herald of the Order of the Annunciation*, accorded 30 Aug. 1743. [Raccolta.]
Listed as incumbent in Palmaverde 1778, 1782, 1784, 1786.
Names unknown
heralds, May 1753. [MDSS, tome 33, 1894, p.civ.]
Giambatista Brero
Herald of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, listed as incumbent in Palmaverde 1778, 1782, 1784, 1786.
Pietro de Dalmaz
King of Arms and Herald of the Order of the Annunciation*, accorded 19 Dec. 1781 in secondo [meant de Roquefeuille was still in office, as indidated above?]. [Raccolta.]
Giambatista Rivera
Herald of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, listed as incumbent in Palmaverde 1796.
Maurizio de/di Dalmaz
King of arms and Herald of the Order of the Annunciation, 1798. [Raccolta and Calendario 1827.]
Listed as incumbent in Palmaverde 1820, 1824, Calendario di corte, 1821, Calendario 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847.
His first name Maurizio appears only after 1827. In Calendario 1826, p.111, he was mentioned as Il nobile di Dalmaz, già sotto-brigadiere nella I.a comp. delle guardie del oipo di S. M., ora capitano nelle regie annate. and in Calendario 1827, Di Dalmaz nobile Maurizio, maggiore nelle regie armale. Palmaverde is not helpful as it gives the first name only after 1836 (as far as I got the copy). So possibility rests that there were two Dalmaz before 1826 and after 1827. Armorial et nobiliaire de l'ancien duché de Savoie, tome 2, p.256 which calls him Jean-Maurice de Dalmaz says he had occupied the office since 1793 and still incumbent in 1846.
Gerolamo Molinari
Herald of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, listed as incumbent in Palmaverde 1820, 1824, Calendario di corte, 1821, Calendario 1825.
Giuseppe Grosso
Herald of the Royal Military Order of Savoy, listed as incumbent in Palmaverde 1820, 1824, Calendario di corte, 1821, Calendario 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828.
(post vacant)
Herald of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Calendario 1826 says the office was N. N. which probably meant nomen nominandum.
Giuseppe Baudino
Herald of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, listed as incumbent in Calendario 1827, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849.
Carlo Gastaldi
Herald of the Royal Military Order of Savoy, listed as incumbent in Calendario 1829.
Giuseppe Botallo
Herald of the Royal Military Order of Savoy, listed as incumbent in Calendario 1831.
Angelo Beccurio
Herald of the Royal Military Order of Savoy, listed as incumbent in Calendario 1832, 1833.
Carlo Viale
Herald of the Royal Military Order of Savoy, listed as incumbent in Calendario 1834, 1835, 1836, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1853.
François de Coucy / Franc[esco] Maria di Coucy
King of Arms and Herald of arms of the Annunciation, nomminated 28 June 1848 [Calendario 1848; MDSS, tome 37, 1888, 1e partie, pp.92-93. (Note page count rewind to zero in the middle of the book.)].
Listed as incumbent in Calendario 1848, 1849, 1852, 1853 and 1859.
B. Menthonnex-sous-Clement, 1800. D. Lyon, 31 July 1858. [MDSS, tome 37, 1888, loc. cit. There is an obituary on his younger brother Charles-Louis de Coucy: Le Courrier des Alpes, Echo de la Savoie et de la Haute Savoie (p.2 of 30 Jan. 1894).]
(office abolished?)
Herald of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus. Calendario 1852, 1853, 1859, 1860, Palmaverde 1863, 1866, 1870, 1872 and 1881 have no entry of the office (not N. N., but no entry at all as if (and probably in fact) the office did not exist).
(office abolished?)
Herald of the Royal Military Order of Savoy. Calendario 1859, 1860, Palmaverde 1863, 1866, 1870, 1872 and 1881 have no entry of the office (not N. N., but no entry at all as if (and probably in fact) the office did not exist).
(post vacant)
King of arms and Herald of the Order of the Annunciation. Calendario 1860, Palmaverde 1863 and 1866 say the office was N. N. which probably meant nomen nominandum.
(office abolished?)
King of arms and Herald of the Order of the Annunciation. Palmaverde 1870, 1872 and 1881 have no entry of the office (not N. N., but no entry at all as if (and probably in fact) the office did not exist).
* Title and/or rank unclear.

In litterature

Thomas III, Marquess of Saluzzo, Le Chevalier errant.
herald appears several times: Thomas III, p.111, p.112, p.124, p.128.
Maugin, Jean (?), L'Histoire de Palmerin d'Olive, Anvers: Ian Waesberghe, 1572. (Google Books. Other editions are there also.)
tant que l'vn des Heraux du Seigneur Loys, auec le ROY d'armes du Duc de Sauoye arriuerent en la Court de l'Empererur d'Allemaigne ..., p.44.
Hercole et Amore, a ballet played at Chambéry, 1640.
Herald of Arms is one of the characters: Promis, V., "Feste alla Corte di Savoia", in Curiosità e ricerche di storia subalpina, vol. II, 1876, pp.186-204, pp.351-379, p.190, 191, 351, 352, 365.

To be consulted

Amiet, Pierre, "Un peintre chambérien du XVIe siècle : Gaspard Masery", in Revue du Louvre, 11e année, no1, 1961, pp.19-22.
Amiet, Pierre, "Gaspard Masery et la peinture savoyarde au XVIe siècle", in MASBAS, 6e série, tome VII, 1963, pp.10-16.
Brero, Thalia, Les baptêmes princiers. Le cérémonial dans les cours de Savoie et Bourgogne(XVe-XVIe s.), Lausanne: Cahiers lausannois d'histoire médiévale, 2005.
Brero, Thalia, "La fête de l'ordre de l'Annonciade. Une innovation cérémonielle du duc Charles II de Savoie", in Andenmatten, B., Chène, C., Ostorero, M., Pibiri, E. (eds.), Mémoires de cours. Etudes offertes à Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, (Cahiers lausannois d'histoire médiévale, no 48, 2008, p. 303-333.
Brero, Thalia, Chroniques d'un seul jour: les récits de cérémonie à la cour de Savoie (XVIe siècle), Lausanne: BSN press, 2012. See article of the same name.
Brero, Thalia, "Les funé;railles des chevaliers de l'ordre du Collier et de l'Annonciade (Savoie, XIVe-XVIe siècles)", in Andenmatten, B. et Pibiri, E. (eds.), Mourir à la cour. Normes, usages et contingences funèraires dans les milieux curiaux à la fin du Moyen Age et à l'Epoque moderne, , Lausanne, 2016, p. 111-151.
Brero, Thalia, "Raconter, imprimer et archiver les temps forts de la vie de cour (Savoie, XVe-XVIIe siecle)", in Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, 2019.
Bruchet, Max, "Jean de Tournay, dit Bonnes nouvelles, héraut d'armes", in Bulletin du Comité flamand de France, 1926, pp.230-239. (gallica.)
Gentile, Luisa Clotilde, Riti ed emblemi. Processi di rappresentazione del potere principesco in area subalpina (XIII - XVI secc.), Silvio Zamorani Editore, 2008. (Introduction is available in pdf).
Rahlenbeck, C., "Jean de Tournay, poète du XVIe siècle", in Bulletins de la Société historique et littéraire de Tournai, tome 3, 1853, pp.166-170. (Internet Archive.)
Rouiller, Jean-Luc, "Les habits du héraut. Le testament de Jean Piat, dit Genève, serviteur d'Amédée VIII (1413)", in: Héraldique et emblematique de la Maison de Savoie, Lausanne, 1994, pp.116-136.

Some thoughts regarding Cohennet-Faulcon

Related materials

Statuts et ordonnances du très-noble Ordre de l'Annonciade, Turin: l'Imprimerie royale, 1840. (Google Books.)
Armorial colorié de la Maison de Savoie et de ses alliances. (gallica.)
ANA:: E-book: "Gli ordini militari di Savoia e d'Italia"
L'Ordine Supremo della SS. Annunziata. Seicento anni di storia 1362-1962 (pdf.)
Andenmatten, Bernard, Paravicini, Bagliani Agostino, and Vadon, Annick, Héraldique et emblématique de la Maison de Savoie: XIe-XVIe s, Lausanne: Université de Lausanne, Faculté des lettres, Section d'histoire, 1994.
Bascapè, Giacomo, Piazzo, Marcello Del, Insegne e Simboli. Araldica Pubblica e Privata, Medievale e Moderna, Ministero per I Beni e Le Attività Culturali. Ufficio Centrale per I Beni Archivistici, 1999. pp.1-90, pp.91-210, pp.211-314, pp.315-481, pp.483-557, pp.559-631, pp.533-744, pp.745-1064. (pdfs.)
Blavignac, Jean-Daniel, Armorial genevois, Genève: chez les principaux libraires, 1849. (gallica.)
Borgia, Luigi, "Note per la conoscenza delle fonti araldiche italiane. Le fonti negli archivi di famiglia: un «priorista» fiorentino", in Archivio Storico Italiano, Vol. 151, No. 3 (557) (luglio-settembre 1993), pp. 593-642.
Capré, François, Catalogue du Chevalier de l'Ordre du collier de Savoye, dict de l'Annonciade..., 1665. (Google Books.)
Gentile, Louise, "Artistes, hérauts et héraldique de part et d'autre des Alpes Occidentales", in Hiltmann, Torsten, Hablot, Laurent (eds.), Heraldic Artists and Painters in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, Ostfildern, 2018, pp. 76-94.
Grimaldi, Giovanni, "Gli araldi dei Savoia: cenni storici", articolo edito nei Quadernos de Ayala, n. 93/2023.
Muratore, Dino, "Les origines de l'Ordre du Collier de Savoie dit de l'Annonciade", in AHS, tome 23-24, 1909. (Internet Archive.)
Perret, André, "Le peintre Gaspard Masery et les vitraux de la Sainte-Chapelle", in Bulletin de la Société des amis du Vieux Chambéry, no.2, 1963, pp.15ff. (gallica.)
Perrot, Aristide Michel, Collection historique des ordres de chevalerie civils et militaires..., 1820. Pp.209ff. concern with the Order of the Annunciation and other Savoyan orders. (Google Books.)
Tettoni, Leone, Saladini, F, Teatro araldico ovvero raccolta generale delle armi ed insegne gentilizie..., Lodi: Wilmant E. Figle, vol.1, 1841, vol.2, 1843, vol.3, 1843, vol.4, 1844, vol.5, 1846, vol.6, 1846, vol.7, 1847, vol.8, (published year not given). [It seems heralds (in general, including those of other countries) are discussed in vol.5.] (Internet Archive.)
